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Yu's POV:

He's laying beside me. Just where I want him.

I can easily hold him in my arms. He fits so perfectly.

Just the two of us.

I squeeze him into my body, kissing his hair.

It's so perfect.

I don't want him to leave.

But he suddenly pushes me away.

I sit up, baffled.

He doesn't look at me. He just stands up, and opens my bedroom door.

His brother is the one to enter.

"What's going on?" I begin to ask, when suddenly Shin grabs me by the scruff of my neck, pushing me against my bedroom wall.

I try to break free, or kick him or something. But I can't... I can't do anything.

"Please," I choke, tugging at his arms. "S-stop..."

I look at Yosuke in desperation. But he only shakes his head.

"You fucking coward," Shin spits into my face.

I try to gasp for air, but I can't. His grip is too tight.

Just before I black out, he lets me go, and I stumble into Yosuke.

"You... I..." I stammer.

He doesn't move. He doesn't help me up or anything. He just stands there, motionless.

Shin's behind me now, kissing my neck, biting it, even.

I groan in pain, trying to push him away.

He grabs my arms, and holds them captive.

His kisses get even rougher, and he sinks his teeth further into my skin.

He reaches my upper back, and massages it a little.

I feel blood oozing from my neck.

I feel lightheaded.

After much struggling, I break from his grasp, and run into Yosuke.

He stares at me, blankly.

I try to grab hold of him, but it's no use.

Shin grabs me from behind, trying to choke me.

I cough aloud.

"Stop," Shin's Shadow says.

Shin obeys.

The Shadow is a tall figure; a distorted version of Shin himself... They're so similar that if it weren't for the Shadow's piercing eyes, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

I back away. Slowly, at first, but then I move quickly.

All three of them have me cornered.

"I will have you," he whispers into my ear.

He trails his gooey, sharp fingers up my shirt, scratching and scarring more of my chest.

I cry in agony.

But Shin and Yosuke only watch.

The Shadow reaches to the zipper of my pants, and I try to kick it away.

But it won't give in.

"HELP!" I scream. Crying, at this point. Begging for someone to save me. Anyone.


I wake up to my phone ringing. I gasp, holding my neck before rubbing my chest.

It's Shin.

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