Alone Again

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Yu's POV:

As I put the key inside the lock, I notice Yosuke is shivering behind me.

"You okay?" I ask, pushing the door open.

"N-no," he grumbles. "It's too damn cold out here."

"Man up, Yosuke!" Teddie says. "May weather is the best weather!"

"Yeah; you're only saying that because you can't even feel the cold, dumbass!"

"Are you dehumanizing Teddie?" He pulls a dramatic, pretend shocked face.

"Oh! Welcome home, big bro," I hear Nanako call, running up to me to hugging my legs.

"Hello, Nanako," I smile. "Have you been good while I've been out?"

She nods enthusiasticly. "Yup. I went shopping, too. There's lots of food in the fridge!"

"Great, because I'm making dinner tonight."

"Oh! Really?!" She gasps with delight. "Yay! You're so good at cooking, big bro!!"

"Teddie is here!" The bear announces, throwing his arms up in the air, entering the main room.

"Teddie!" Nanako squeals, hugging him, too.

"How was school, Nana-chan?"

"It was great!" She smiles. "But there's this boy in my class..."

"A boy?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows, turning back to face Nanako.

"Yup! He's really nice to me!"

"In... what way?" I press further, leaning against the counter of the kitchen.

"All my friends say he has a crush on me!" She grins even wider.

"Oh, yeah?" I ask, through gritted teeth. "And where does this boy live? How old is he? What's he like? Who are his parents?"

"Um," she looks overwhelmed.

"Christ, Yu," Yosuke says, leaning beside me. "She's young; she's allowed to like a boy." He chuckles a little.

"If he breaks her heart, I'll break his face."

"Uh..." Nanako looks suprised.

"Yes, Sensei!!" Teddie cheers for me. "Don't worry, Nana-chan, Sensei will protect you!!"

"Hehe, okay!" She giggles. "I'm safe with big bro."

"Damn straight you are," Yosuke laughs. I look at him, and he looks so carefree and happy. It makes me feel guilty about everything I shared with his Shadow. Especially considering he doesn't even know the full story.

"Okay," I say, snapping out of my thoughts. "I'll start on dinner."

"I'll help!" Teddie says.

"Yeah, me, too," Yosuke gives me a half-smile.

"Me three!!" Nanako giggles, not wanting to feel left out.

I allow the three of them to help with dinner, even though Nanako knows way more about food than the two boys.


"Woah, this is really good, Sensei!" Teddie says, as we all sit down together an hour or so later.

"I couldn't have done it without you guys," I smile.

"Yeah, yeah, don't be all modest," Yosuke shakes his head playfully.

"I'm serious," I chuckle. "Thank you."

"Yeah, well, it's the least we can do," he looks away.

"I'll help you anytime, big bro!" Nanako smiles at me, and I gently pat her on the head.

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