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Yu's POV:

"Oh, Senpai," Rise giggles. "Are you free after school? I wanna take you out!"

"Hey, hold up," Yosuke frowns. "Where the hell do you wanna take him?"

"I'm heading to Okina for new clothes!"

"Why does he need to come?"

"I need someone to carry my stuff," she scoffs. "Duh."

"Yeah, well, we're busy."

"Am I allowed to speak for myself yet?" I say.

"Not yet, Senpai," Rise mutters.

"Guys? What're you all doin' in here?" Kanji walks into the classroom, joining us.

"Just having lunch," Yosuke says.

"...I feel guilty," Yukiko sighs. "Chie should be here, eating with us."

"...She stayed overnight?" I ask.

She nods. "They... just want to make sure she's stable."

"C-come on," Yosuke frowns. "We can take care of her, right?"

"It's not quite that simple, Yosuke-senpai," Naoto murmurs.

"Dammit... I just want her to be here," he bites his lip.

"Hey..." I put a hand on his back. "She's okay. No permanent damage, right?"

"...Right," he exhales.

"Hey, why don't we go visit her after school?" Kanji suggests.

"...Shit," Yosuke groans, sparing a look at me. "We... can't."

"Hm? Got plans already?" Rise says.

"We're heading to the station," I grunt.

"What for?" Naoto asks. "Ah. Nevermind..."

"Don't worry about it," Yukiko shakes her head. "I'll tell her you said hey."

"Th-thanks, Yukiko..." He sighs.

"Ooh! Ooh! I have an idea!" Rise announces.

"Geez, your voice really hurts my ears, y'know?" Yosuke groans, pressing his head to his shoulder.

"Oh, shut it, Senpai," she rolls her eyes. "Anyway, while you two go to the police station, the rest of us can go get Chie-senpai a gift!"

"Ooh, good idea," Yukiko nods.

"Still, we shouldn't overwhelm her, right?" Kanji mumbles.

"He has a point," Naoto nods. "The last thing I imagine she wants right now is pity."

"It's not pity," Rise frowns. "It's to show we're thinking about her."

"Maybe we could keep it on the down-low...?" Yukiko suggests.

"Okay," Rise groans. "Fine."

"Here." I hand Rise a ¥2,000 note. "Get something from me, too."

"Mhm-hm. I will."

"Senpai..." Naoto says quietly. "Before you visit Miura... I want you to know that he has five years in there, minimum."

"That... doesn't seem like an awful lot," Yosuke breathes.

"...Unless he confesses, it's highly unlikely he'll get charged for murder..."

"...I see."

"I did all I could..."

"Thank you, Naoto," he nods solemnly.

She tips her hat respectfully, but can't help the unsatisfied look on her face.

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