Make Me Feel Like A Fool

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Yu's POV:

I think I must have fallen asleep, too. Because when I wake up, he's tucked into my arms, pouting slightly.

Aww, what a baby.

I carefully untangle myself from his equation, and check my cell.

Shit... It's one in the morning... Dammit, we have school...

Why does this always happen?

But, damn, I'm starving... I hope he wouldn't mind me raiding his fridge while I'm here.


Yosuke's POV:

Either the movie was hella boring, or Giichi was hella tired.

Either way, I'm glad he's asleep. Lately, it feels like I can't get away from him. It's like he doesn't understand personal space.

Okay, I get it: he's broken up with someone, and he needs a rebound. But that's not what I wanted to be. This was his whole stupid idea.

I don't even want to kiss him. He knows what he's doing, but I don't. I like it better when neither of us know. Like with me and Yu.

Still... Yu thought I wanted him for his body? That's not true;  and he knows it. Why the hell would Giichi make something like that up? Unless... that's what he actually thought?

But I didn't want that! I mean, sure, I loved kissing him, and hugging him, and being around him, but that was because I wanted something more. I wanted him to know I loved him. I didn't want to just be... 'friends with benefits'.

I pull out a jacket from my closet and hang it around my shoulders. I need some fresh air.


I tip-toe downstairs, and see Teddie fast asleep on the couch. Ha... Knew he couldn't stay up too long. Still, it is pretty late.

I quietly make my way past him, ensuring not to wake him up.

I head over to the kitchen and turn the lights on when I see Yu leaning against the counter with a bowl of cereal in his hands.


"Oh, damn... Sorry... I, uh... didn't know you were awake..."

"You're... Still here?"

"Sorry. We... lost track of time."

Him... and Shin?

"No, I'm not mad at you," I shake my head. "Just... shocked, that's all."

"I- I was just a little hungry... so..."

"No, it's cool. Help yourself," I smile, opening the fridge.

"Where are you off to?"

"Umm, just going out," I shrug, taking out a cool glass of water.

"Want some company?"

"Uh... sure," I chuckle, taking a sip. "I'll let you finish your cereal first."

He smiles, scooping spoonfuls of colored bread into his mouth.

"Aren't you tried?" I ask. "We have school in a few hours."

"Nah, we fell asleep together," he shrugs, pushing the spoon back and forth through the milk anxiously.


"You were great, by the way," he says. "On stage, I mean."

"You've already said that," I smirk.

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