Once And For All

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Yosuke's POV:

I scoop him up in my arms as the two of us lay on the grass, listening to the waves rattle in the wind. It's cold, admittedly, but I think I'm keeping him warm. The sun's glare catches my eye every so often, but it's still light out.

He breathes onto my chest, not saying a word. He's all cried out. Ha, déjà-vu, hm? So long as I keep my breathing under control, his should synchronize with it.

His hair tickles my chin a little, making me smile. Our body heat joins together; creating a cozy cocoon between us. But that's not enough for him. He presses our bodies together until there is no space left.

His arms snake around my back, gently squeezing me. Though I don't dare touch him back, in fear of holding him a little too tightly. I struggle to figure where to put my hands - in the end, I decide to rest them on his hips. He doesn't mind.

We've been like this for at least an hour now, and my back is starting to cramp up. Not that I'll move, though. Not that I want to, either.

"I love you." The words get caught in the wind, drifting away. I don't think he hears me at first, but he does.

"I know." He smiles a little, slowly pulling away from me. He stares at me with tired eyes.

I smile, too. "And I care about you. Much more than Shin."

"I know that, too," he chuckles, but there's still a hint of sadness in his voice. "I'm sorry about before."

"Sorry?" I frown. "Partner, you have nothing to be sorry for. It was Shin's fault - everything was. You're not the one to blame."

"I hate him," he says quietly. Honestly, his bluntness takes me by suprise. He really hates him? "So much," he whispers, moving off me and bringing his knees to his face.

"You should," I nod. "He... treats you like shit, you know?"

"He doesn't give a damn about me," he grumbles.

"You don't need his support," I assure him. "You have mine."

He sighs a little, not knowing what to say. I don't either. I shuffle closer to him, and hold my arm around his shoulders. It takes him a couple of moments to shrug me off.

"Don't be mad at me," I whisper.

"I'm not!" He snaps. "I'm... I'm not, Yosuke," he repeats, quietly.

He picks at the grass below us, before letting it go to fly in the wind. It's actually kind of satisfying watching him do it.

"He doesn't even let me get a word in," he says after a few minutes. "He's always the voice. I'm just somewhere in the background."

"That's not true," I shake my head. "Shin's just an arrogant asshole. He always has been, and he always will be. Don't cry over him, Yu. He's not worth it."

"I'm not fucking crying," he snaps through tears. "Goddammit." He wipes his eyes with his sleeve, making sure not to catch my eye.

"Hey," I say, quietly. "Look at the sky."

The sky gleams with oranges and yellows. Maybe a hint of red, too. It's almost like fire. You know, mesmerizing, and that shit. But, damn, it's pretty. I know he sees it, too.

He can't draw his eyes away from it. But I can't draw my eyes away from him.

"I know you don't wanna hear this, but..." I breathe. "He... truly believes he's doing the right thing. He's tryna look out for you... Tryna protect you. He does love you, Yu. He's just... shit at showing it."

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