The Waiting Game

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Yu's POV:

I cooperate with him when he takes off my pants -- my shirt is still off as not to shift the bandaging.

"I'm too warm," I say, sat on my futon in my underwear.

"You just wanna sleep like that, then?" Yosuke asks me.

"Yes," I grin.

He sighs. "Alright, then."

He stands up to lay me down.

"Can you stay with me?" I ask.

"No... I'm sorry," he mumbles.

"Why not?"

"Shin wouldn't allow it."

"I don't care."

"Yu..." He groans.

"Are you nearly done?!" Shin's voice hollers through the wall.

"No," I whisper to Yosuke, smiling.

"Yes," he calls back. I frown at him as Shin enters the room.

"Let's get you to bed, okay?" Shin says, like I'm a child.

"No," I scoff. "I'm not tired."

Shin gently grabs one of my hands, kneeling on the floor. "Come on, Narukami. You'll feel like shit in the morning."

"I wanna play the King's Game again," I chuckle.

"No," Shin says, softly. "We're not doing that."

"Yosuke would let me," I smirk.

"I wouldn't, Yu. And you know that," he sighs.

"Just with you," I slur.


"I don't know what he means," Shin shrugs.

Yosuke blushes a little, smiling.

"Let's go into the TV!" I chant.

"The what?" Shin asks.

"No, Yu..." Yosuke chuckles nervously. "We're going to bed, alright?"

"Bed with me?"


"But I'll be lonely," I say.

"I'll stay with him until he falls asleep," Shin says.

"I can do that," Yosuke argues.

"It's fine. Leave it to me."

"Mmm," I groan.

I want Yosuke to stay with me.

But I can't bring myself to say it. Literally.

"Goodnight, Yu," Yosuke says to me, rubbing my arm. "I'll... see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Hmmm," I sigh.

Yosuke leaves Shin and I alone, and I feel a little uneasy.

"Lay back down," he tells me.

"It hurts," I frown.

"I know," he sighs. "And I'm sorry you had to go through all this crap..."

He looks at me, and genuinely looks sorry for me.

"What even happened?"

"I got fucked over," I shrug.

"I can see that. Who by?"

"I don't know."

"Yes, you do. Narukami, just tell me who did it."

"What will you do to them?"

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