Nobody's Perfect

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Yu's POV:

I lay on my futon, facing the wall. I curl myself up into a ball, and let out quiet sobs. Fuck.

Why did I do that?

Now they all think I'm an asshole. But I'm not wrong! That Miura guy is a damn pushover. I wish Yosuke never met him. To think, they only met this afternoon. That those two are way closer than we ever were. That if I had chosen to see Yosuke immediately after the game, he'd never have met the guy.

I hear a faint knock on my door. I ignore it, hoping it will go away. But, it doesn't. It only grows louder. I don't reply, or anything. I know that my voice will only crack, and they'll walk straight in to see what is wrong with me.

"Ignoring me won't get you very far," I hear Shin's light chuckle behind my bedroom door. "I can come in, right? You're not, like, getting changed, are you?"

I smile into my curled-up knees. Since today, he's been so innocent with me. Even if I were getting changed, he would have just let himself in regardless. It's kinda funny.

"I- uh, didn't hear a 'yes'," he continues. "So, uh... I'm just gonna come in, okay? Um.. unless you're dead... I hope you're not dead, 'cause this'll be awkward. You're still alive, right? Ugh, fuck it. I'm comin' in."

My smile broadens, hearing how anxious and cautious he's being. Or maybe that's his way of cheering me up. Either way, it's working.

I hear the door behind me slowly creak open, with light footsteps heading for me.

"Hey. You're alive, right?" He gently shakes my back. I uncurl myself, smiling at him. "Oh, great," he smirks back, laying beside me. "I'd have missed you if you were dead."

I try to say something. Anything. A thank you, or an apology, but tears choke me.

"You don't have to say anything," he smiles, sighing. "It's all okay." He carefully wipes a tear rolling down my cheek. "I'm right here."

His smile of reassurance causes more tears than before. He cups my face with his hands, and I lean my head to the side, feeling his touch. I hold his arms, just to know he's there.

He hushes me, looking right at me. But I can't look at him.

"I fucked up, didn't I?" I choke out.

"What're you talking about?" He chuckles lightly. "You did nothing wrong."

"I did," I cry. "I was an asshole. Hell... The guy didn't even do anything, I just... God."

"You're worried he's hanging out with Yosuke?"


"I can tell, Yu."

"I just... I don't trust him. That's all."

"I get it," he sighs. "I mean, it'd take a miracle for someone to go out with Yosuke."

"...Go out with?" I frown.

"Friends, I mean," he shrugs. "Yosuke's into girls, aha."


"...Listen. I know he's your best friend. I know you want to protect him, but it's gonna be okay."


"I'll look out for him."

"Will you, though?"

"Of course."


"Nobody's gonna fuck around with him so long as I'm here. That Miura kid won't be any different."

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