Chapter 180

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I had my grand pups with me, I watched them carefully as we forage for lunch items. I show them how to tell if plants are safe to eat. Most roots yautja can eat, unless they have a bitter smell. It was lucky that we could encounter a few roots like that.

Jay'Ve signed to me 'smells very bitter' while making a face.

Sha'On looked at it with little interest an signed to me 'Are you sure it's not edible GrandSirer?'

Brown, Green an Kiki are gaging at the smell.

"Roots like these that have a bitter smell can rot your stomachs. They can make yautja very sick. Remember this smell it is may be the only thing that can help you know what is safe an what is not safe. Usually if there is prey around it is safer to eat meat, then it is to eat plants. But in times when there is not a lot of prey an you must eat plants start with roots..." I explain to them.

Kiki signed to me 'Can Ooma eat non bitter roots like us?' She asked

"Oomans can only safely eat roots that smell sweet. They're digestive tracts can't handle other roots like yautja can." I say to her.

I understood what she meant she was worried about Ceillia. "Don't worry your Ooma's are very resourceful. These skills I teach will help you more when you are adults." I say to her comforting.

The pups seemed to quiet down an they searched around the area to find, regular roots an sweet roots. They all did very well. Green was very good at telling the different roots apart. His sense of smell is better then the other 4.

When it came to trapping they all did very well. They caught a few birds, a lizard like animal an surprisingly Kiki caught a small, medium mammal. The snares that they all made were of good quality. I show them how to approach the trapped prey an to make a clean kill.

I taught them for prey that would be used to feed themselves that they shouldn't let it suffer. To make sure it was one killing blow. Usually a cut to the back of the severing the spinal cord. An deep enough to get an artery for it to bleed out quickly without pain.

We brought back our items an the pups proudly showed off what they got to Chris an Ceillia. Chris an Ceillia did a good job at showing them how to process their prey. I sat back an had a drink of brew that Chris had handed to me.

The knives I gave the pups although small were made from some of my old throwing knives. This metal would never dull, would never rust. Avei had done the commission for me, she had been happy as she hadn't worked with this type of metal in years.

Chris had gotten out a pot while Ceillia had sharpen stick skewers for the meat. The items had been prepped an washed I showed them what goes where. The long muscles get put on to the skewers. While the bones are put to the side for now.

The organs are chopped up finely are put into a pot with the blood an water. As well as chopped up roots then put over a fire to cook. I added some herbs an aromatics to the soup to help make it better for the pups to handle. Normally during a true hunt meals wouldn't be this elaborate, but it was good for them to practice.

The pups were proud to be cooking an telling what they had learned from me to their Ooma's. Chris had gotten out the bowls an also small plates. The pups took over duties to serve us. Once we all had our food the pups waited patiently. I was a little confused why Chris an Ceillia hadn't started eating yet.

Chris gives me a smile "OldOne you are the most honorable one here. You are the one that starts the feast. An don't give me that 'I am retired' excuse. You are the pups GrandSirer so the most honorable one here." Chris said to me. Ceillia was nodding as well were the pups.

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