Chapter 182 season 4 end

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Crash, Hopper an I were on the main deck of the largest pit area that we would be holding the ritual before launch. Lu'Nye had lead the new members in an had kneeled bowed before myself, before Lu'Nye took his position behind me.

Dee followed in next he did the same but went behind Crash. As did Fa'tae who came in an bowed an then went behind Hopper. These three although young are shown to be on the path of elite hunters.

The ritual went smoothly from there, arm bands were given an the shifts decided. We were launching soon, so most had a lot of nervous energy. "Welcome all, please enjoy the celebration of your new honorable beginnings! There is food an Drink available for all!" I shouted at them. They all roared an cheered.

Everyone seemed happy even the Oomans that took place in the ritual, the Oomans had cut off the lower part of they're ears. As they too wanted to spill blood for a new beginning. The yautja males had accepted them easily with that.

Even Singh went thru that process, I felt Crash tense at my side at the time. I knew the feeling he was having, he didn't want to see Singh hurt anymore then he already had...he was now in over protective mode now. Not that I blamed him.

"Dar'ke we got it from here, go get some rest third shift won't start for a while for you" Hopper says to me. He is looking more serious then normal.

"You are the one that needs rest Hopper, I will call you when it is your turn. I need to go get the pups an start their training." I say to him.

Crash heads off giving us a wave as he heads for first shift. Hopper gave me a tired nod an headed off to his room. I headed off towards the kitchen as Chris was there with the pups already. She had given them a little snack while they made breakfast an the feast with OldOne, Ceillia, Kiki, an Zak.

Dee, Lu'Nye an Fa'tae will help out for mid to third shift. Orginally Singh was suppose to help out but Chris had him working on a project so he would be in Crashs workshop for the most part until it was finished.

I could feel the ship as the launch began. The rattling of pipes an the hull was violent at first before it settled out once we exited the planets atmosphere. Next season we would leave the clan ship in space.

I pop my head into the kitchen I see that the pups are eating roasted meat an have stew bowls at their little table. Chris an Ceillia are close by peeling the vegetables for the next stew. OldOne an Zak are working like a machine powering thru the Gizzards.

"Dar'ke! Over here!" Chris calls to me with a smile.

I come over an pet her head. She seemed very happy the pups looked at me an looked at their food an continued to eat. Chris interlaces her fingers with mine. Sometimes even through we may not talk a lot we can communicate very well other ways.

I was too enchanted that I didn't notice the knife handle that hit me square in my head crest. "If your not here to work leave!" OldOne growled at me grumpily.

"Its time for their training..." I said to him with a growl back, rubbing my head.

"They are just eating now if they train right now they will be sick! Come back in 3 hours to train them..." OldOne said gruffly to me.

I looked at the pups who had big eyes looking up at me. I sighed, there were reports an gear checks I can do in the mean time, I suppose. "Alright I will be back then, make sure you 3 are ready then!" I said to them. The pups all nodded an chittered happily.

I felt Chris's lips on the back of my knuckles. "Thank you Dar'ke, we appreciate this" she said to me softly.

I chittered at her an stroked her cheek before heading out. I decided to head to my personal training room first to get things set up for the pups. I decided to add a few obstacles.

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