Chapter 198

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We were training with our Sirer that evening. He had put us through our paces today. Not gonna lie but I definitely preferred Ooma's Ooman training class. I think it cause she shows videos on what not to do at the beginning. An she gives an  explanation on why we need to do things a certain way with Oomans verses other types of prey.

With Sirer we just had a routine that we had to follow and was expected to add 10 more rounds an reps each day we came here. He didn't really tell us why it was important. Kiki usually finished first an Sha'On and I were either second or third.

Sirer seemed to be an amused mood today, when he came to pick us up we hid Stinky with Grandpa as Sirer needed to talk with Ooma. He had leaned down an whispered something to Ooma that made her face very red!

Ooma had let out a squeak when Sirer  then hugged her an play bit her neck. Ooma had let out giggles, an kissed Sirer back. *Gags!*

Good news is that Ooma Ceillia an Grandpa are looking after us tonight. So Sha'On, Kiki an I would be sleeping in the pup tent with stinky! I was so excited for tonight. Grandpa said he was going to make us special snacks!

I hope it was the salted crispy gizzard skin, popcorn with honey dried berries! My mouth started drooling at the thought of that snack. We had that the other day an it was sooooo good!

"Jay' are a lap behind others. You need to catch up" My Sirer said to me.

I do double time to catch up an finish with Sha'On an Kiki. We finish on time an we are now laying on the floor wheezing.

My Sirer leans against the wall an looks at us. "...So would you three have something 'important' to tell me?" He chitters at us.

Although his tone was calm an amused, underlining it was a do not lie to me or else tone. I look to Sha'On an Kiki an we all have guilty looks.

I sit up " we found a small creature floating in one of Grandpa's barrels of spicy water. Sha'On rescued it an we made it a pet..." I say to honestly him looking up at his eyes.

"Jay'Ve! We aren't suppose to tell anyone! Ooma said if we had Stinky trained in two weeks we can keep it!" Sha'On says as he punches me in the shoulder.

Our Sirer had an amused chittering going on as he laughed at us " Did she now? Well I will 'Talk' with your Ooma tonight. However since it hasn't sprayed anyone else, if you three promise me that you take responsibility for it. I will allow you pups to keep it..." Sirer said to us.

Sha'On an Kiki nods their head quickly. "We will take responsibility for Stinky an its actions Sirer. Thank you for allowing us to keep it!" I said to him excitedly.

"Clan you know of a way to calm my Sirer down? I don't want him to hurt stinky..." Kiki asks as she raised her hand.

My Sirer paused for a few minutes "Snacks an special drinks that OldOne one makes. If you gift them to Hopper you three will probably be forgiven." He says to her.

"Come on Pups time to head back..." Sirer said to us in a very good tone as his mood was that of an excited pup as well...he seemed energetic today? That was weird, we get up an head out the door ahead of him.

We make it thru the hallways, an back to the kitchen. Ooma has a snack waiting for us. We give her an Ceillia Ooma a hug an then go get cleaned up before we have the salty dried meat an snappy sweet carrots!!!

Sha'On had snuck off to see Grandpa an get Stinky. I sat down an started eating with Kiki. Her Ooma was sitting with us. I looked over to Ooma an Sirer they seemed to be doing what Matriarch Singh called 'flirting'.  *Gags!*

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