Chapter 208

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***Trigger warning there is abuse featured in this chapter near the end. Please skip if you do not want to read it. Thank you***

I walked Chris back to the kitchen, even after our shower, she still had my scent on her. Admittedly she was the one who had me pinned down. I chitter at myself from that thought. Chris grasps my hand.

"What are you thinking about Dar'ke?" She asks me, her face still flushed from earlier.

"Just that you can be bold unexpectedly at times..." I purr to her, making her blush deeper.

"I...uh...oh look the kitchen! Have a good shift! Please be careful!" Chris hugs me an gives me a kiss before she runs skittlishly into the kitchen.

I chitter an shake my head. I take my leave an head away. I keep thinking I am forgetting something important. I head over an begin the training class for those that are here. I suppose I will remember it later....

I watched as Crash hunted another large prey. If I didn't know better I would think he is trying to show off. He had hunted 4 large prey an 8 medium prey. He said he wanted a better fur for the bed for us.

I held onto the storages with the processed items. I was also collecting so items along the way. There was some ore that I found. Crash mentioned that it is very rare an good for technical weapons an for small devices. I would give it to Chris to replicate in her inventory. There were a few projects that I had in mind for it.

Plus I was working on special weapon for Crash. An this would be a great help! I planned to give it to him on our true mating anniversary next year. Considering how complex it was going to be, I just hope I could built it in time.

I was more of a scout on this hunt then a hunter. Which is fine by me, I am not one for killing things. When I first saw OldOne showing the pups how to process Gizzards I lost my stomach contents.

I mean as an Omnivorous animal knowing where our food comes from should be important. My grandmother on her farm taught me that. Mind you she didn't slaughter animals in front of me. She would however get us to help process the body.

I guess that's why I was so calm when Crash was skinning, deboning, an the seperationing of muscles an organs. I noticed that certain organs he would scan. Some he put in storage while others would be tossed an used as bait for better prey.

When I had asked him about it, he said that some bits can be used as medication to help with aches an pains in the abdomen. Similar to ancient human medicines. Not that Yautja get sick often but it can help.

Usually if a yautja gets sick its because they are suffering from malnutrition. Luckily our clan with the supplies from Chris, no one unless they chose willingly to go hungry... was actually hungry. That was the main selling point for Bru'taes clan joining our clan. As well as many lost ones from the main yautja home world.

I never thought about that before but there was poverty in any society. Some more then others. Our clan was making waves in yautja society. In many good ways, I just hope we could keep this up.

I would get many reports about how we have stowaways trying to arrive at home. Sa'ke had been consulting with Sooni, Vil'Lai an Shi'Va on this. Most were sent back to yautja prime.

I know they were looking at making another colony on our home planet. We had 10 colonies currently, however with some new quick studies we can add 5 more without a huge impact to the environment.

The major problem we have now, is security at this point. If we allow for another huge population growth it could be disastrous. Although most yautja are honorable an follow the laws there is still a need for policing.

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