Chapter 223

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Looking into the night sky the blue electrical lights seemed more beautiful. It would only be four more hours until day light. At that time Singh will be done and the hunt should end shortly after that.

When I checked in with Sooni they seemed to be doing well over there. Other then a few minor fights between females and a couple of lost ones voicing their opinion on why they shouldn't be sharing any food. It was honestly ridiculous!

The ones not hunting were doing well the areas of protection held up very well. We heard from Shi'Va that Singh was still going strong and the scan showed 96% of the nano bombs were taken care of. That was a huge relief as well.

Trying to act normal when bombs are all around you is not fun at all! I wish I could help a little more as well. Other then to provide shipping to the other cities. Sooni said that there will be a time and place for everyone.

I got an incoming was from Hopper? Strange. "Hopper I hear you, are you okay?" I ask him. In the last 30 years he has rarely called me. It was so different then when we first became mates long ago.

"Vil'Lai...I wanted to ask you if it would be okay if I talked to you once a day before" Hopper asked me Sincerely.

I was floored! "Who are you and what have you've done with Hopper?" I ask him.

"Vil'Lai I am being serious. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and with everything going on with Ceillia it was bringing up past memories of what we went through together. And I know I am not a very smart male, but I hadn't realized until now how foolish I was before. Vil'Lai does it still hurt? Is there anything I can do for you?" Hopper says to me in a very serious an sincere manner.

I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry in that moment. I did know that Hopper wanted me to be honest with him. "Hopper that kind of pain and loss never goes away from the bearers hearts. We females generally don't speak up about it...but the pain is always there. It gets easier with time, as we get busier with our lives, but sometimes in a quiet moment the pain it can take hold an pretty much chokes the breath and life out of you. Its something all females are taught by their bearers to put up with and deal with it on our own. Not to bother others with our pain, no matter how great the pain or loss is..." I say to him as raw and as honestly as I could.

Hopper was silent on the other end for a moment...I could tell he was fighting with some deep feelings. "Vil'Lai I don't want any of our females pups to be taught that. I would also like to sit down with everyone and talk and to listen to their pain. That kind of pain shouldn't be hidden! It should be listened to and the individual in pain supported! Can you forgive me for being so foolish?" He asks me his tone was angry and self loathing.

"Hopper...can't I just break a few of your ribs like normal and call it even?" I chitter at him. Trying to lighten the mood.

Hopper chatter back at me "After the birth you have first priority to break all the bones in my Body Vil'Lai, if that's what you so desired!" Hopper said in an amused tone. That's the Hopper I know. I think to myself and close my eyes.

"Hopper don't ever stop being foolish in general...its one of your better qualities" I purr to him.

"I will Vil'Lai, but certain things I just can't be a fool about anymore. We've always had each others back since near the beginning. I just...want to be a little closer you and everyone one else. We are family and I am gonna be honest we have 2 females in the family and I have no idea what their names are and it's been years!" Hopper admitted to me.

I held my head in my hands, I had to hold back my laughter because I know the two that he spoke of. They had suspected that he had forgotten their names. I told them that even he isn't that dumb...I guess I owe them an apology and an introduction when he gets back.

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