Chapter 290

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It's been two days since I left my room. When I woke up after being attacked by my Ooman sister, I was terrified about leaving my room. I have never felt fear or terror like that ever!

I didn't think I would be the one to fear death!

I the legendary Knight, Son of Mar'cte feared death...

It was humiliating!

It was like she was death itself...

I realise that I have been foolish. The Ooman completely overwhelmes my experience. She has been fighting me like an instructor fights a student. She has been trying to teach me something. I just don't know what her lesson is. I suppose I could just ask her...

My hands shake in fear, I clench them into fists as I go to my balcony. I punch the pillar hard making the stone crack a little. I sigh as I turn an to look out at the scenery. This was a very beautiful planet...

I could see the young pups as they head off to the training area. I keep an eye on the royal purple colored ones. They are the ones Mar'cte has named his grand pups. I have many pups at my home, they do not hold such a title...

Is it the Ooman bearer that makes them special? How are these pups better then my own?

I hear a knock at my door I can tell it's my Sire, Mar'cte. "Enter " I call to him. He enters the room, I see a jug in his hand as he gets close to me he tosses it at me. It has a very foul smell of fermentation an soil. I drink it as I had done many times before when I was a pup. This was a potion to make a warrior better in mind an body. Even if one wanted to vomit it right away....

"You really look like Chit Knight. Want to tell me what happened?" He asks me as he takes a seat on the stone bench on the balcony.

I huff at him an lean my back on the balcony. "I assume you already seen the report. I can also bet you already talked to your Ooman pup first, before coming to me. There is nothing for me to add. You already have a clear verdict in your mind. You always do..." I growl to him. Even when I was a pup he would ignore me an take the advice an experience of others over mine.

Why would this be any different?

"Avei gave me a verbal run down of the report. An your sister said it would be better for me to talk to you first. So I came, an want to know what in the Paya are you thinking Knight! I know you are better then this..." he growls out to me in frustration.

"...Am I...?" I say as I look over to him. I have spent my entire life trying to live up to his legacy. To be the most honorable, the strongest out of all my of my siblings! I been trying to be the best! Then this Ooman comes in an steals it away from me!

Wait...steals it away? Am I jealous?

Mar'cte sighs "I know I haven't been the best Sirer. I hope you can come an talk to me when you need to while you are here, Knight. I am proud of whom you have become. I know what happened on your last mission. You may have had some fault in the outcome of that situation. However I think after this current experience you will learn. You are alive for a reason Knight, try an find what that reason is." He says as he stands up. "I would recommend you talk to your Ooman siblings rather then fight them. You may find reason an honor you didn't think existed..." he says as he puts a hand on my shoulder.

He give me a nod an then he left my room. It was an odd feeling, but I felt warm in my chest...?

I really expected him to punish me me or atleast break a few of my ribs. This was a different approach, I wonder if I should contact my mates an pups?

They probably won't answer until I have regained honor in the eyes of the Emperor. Leaving that ship to die was probably one of my worse failures in my honor career. I should have been brought up on charges for sure!

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