Chapter 229

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I was on the ship with Dee as we arrived at the base, and the colony it only took a couple of hours. Its still light out on the planet the Oomans are on. We land the ship about 1000 yards away from the colony. Fa'tae has landed his team closer to the base.

Dee and I get attach 12 shield disks to our front and backs. Our team will monitor us from the ship and make sure that the Oomans are unaware of us.

We head out in opposite directions using the cloaking technology from the Emperor. That combination with OldOnes no step techniques makes it impossible to find us unless you are on our ship. We start from the back of the Ooman colony burying the disks carefully into the ground.

They have a good range but we need to be within 50 yards of the walls. Also Dee was going to have to put three disks inside the center of the Ooman colony. That would serve as the middle of the barrier.

I was careful as I watched the moments of the Oomans these guards had a very similar pathing pattern to to of the first base. The check ins were at regular intervals, and honestly the ones that are armed sounded bored...

Would these really be worthy prey...? I still had issues about going in for Ooman trophies. Once I have my side done I let Dee know. He was going into the base and wondered if I wanted to go in too.

I was surprised! Of course I wanted to go! I carefully made my way over to Dee who was at the rocks near the entrance. I had my communications turned on so only we could hear.

"Dee, what do you think we will find in there? Do you think they might have things that Chris and the pups might like?" I ask him excitedly.

Dee swatted the back of my head. "Lu'Nye keep on mission!...but maybe. However we are not to touch anything that the Oomans have. We need to be in and out as quickly and as steadily as possible. You need experience in moving in crowds. Don't get caught!" He scolded me as my Senior on the mission.

I sigh Dee was becoming a good leader I couldn't fault him for what he was saying. I just nodded and followed in behind him, before we entered Dee handed me one of the disks. I took a deep breath as I knew this was a sign of trust.

We follow in behind a large group of Oomans. They were talking about lunch time shift change. We had Oomans infront of us and behind us as we passed thru the check point. We parted ways from the group of Oomans and went down an ally way.

We headed up on to the roof of the building we were besides. Climbing up the ladders quickly and quietly. As I was climbing up a ladder I stopped as an older female Ooman came to the window. She was humming a tune similar to how Chris does. She had a little pot with her and she went on watering the plants infront of my face. I don't move, I don't breath! I don't exist!

There is a ringing sound and she turns around to go answer a device. I leap up on to the roof and Dee grabs my arms to balance me. We crouch down and even though we can't hear one another I know he is laughing at me.

I look out over the roof with him and I can see Ooman pups playing in an area close by. I can see a market place with Ooman goods. As well as many Oomans out and about just enjoying their time. Honestly if you replaced Oomans with Yautja this would be a similar atmosphere to home.

Then it hits me hard to many of the Oomans here this is their home! I felt a little sick on what we were about to do...

Dee gripped my arm and I tapped on my communications with him again. "Dee...this is an honorable hunt, right?" I ask him warily.

"Lu'Nye these Oomans won't be touched by us so they will be safe. We can't falter here because if we do we won't get to see our Ooma again...I am pretty sure if something happens OldOne is gonna rise us from the dead then kill is himself if we hurt our Oomas." Dee said in a too serious tone.

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