Chapter 186

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The day of the Chiva arrived. The energy on the ship was that of excitement an nervous energy. I made sure that I had my mask on an tripled checked all my colleagues. Admittedly I was jealous that Chris didn't have a need for bio mask. She did wear a recording device head band as well as a communicator that was built into it.

As we departed the main ship an was heading down into the large crater below. It would take us about 20 minutes to get to the right spot as it would be on the edge of lake opening. There were already a number of rock tunnels to the base area. Those ones were as worrisome as the tunnels in the water below...

I felt a hand on my shoulder "Singh its gonna be okay. Just take some deep breaths..." Chris said to me. She was paler then I was but she seemed handle this better.

Crash had given me words of encouragement as well. An if all went well we could properly mate! An I can get my mate mark like Chris an Ceillia! Thank frickin God! I am a man for fucks sake! Not a piece of glass! I thought to myself angrily.

The yautja seemed very nervous as well. There was lots of chittering going on in the cabin. Chris was going around handing out barf bags, as well as some alcohol beverages to help steady some nerves.

"Alright you bunch ready to become adults!" Hopper yelled back to us. He was met by a roar from the crowd!

The cabin of the ship rocked as we landed. Hopper stood up from the pilots seat and came back to meet us. "Okay listen up, we made a lot of noise coming in. We have rung the welcome bell. Currently we have 80 hardmeat drones heading our way. There is 60 of us here. Let's hunt!" Hopper roared while lowering the ramp an heading out the young yautja piled out tight after him.

My self an my colleagues held back, I see Chris looking down the ramp an back at us. She waves to us to come on.

I stand up and head over I hear footsteps behind me. I walk down the ramp with Chris, a Xenomorph screeches an flys at us from the side. Chris gracefully cuts it in half with her scythes, an kicks the body aside putting it into her inventory so that the acidic blood doesn't get on the ship. My jaw Drops, she made that look way too easy.

It looked like a massacre outside the ship! "Okay so word of advice don't die. An call out if you lose a limb an you need a tonic I will be around okay" she said with a smile, she walks down calmly cutting a path for us into the battle.

I see a Xenomorph rushing forward to us. I get my combistick ready as Crash told me to. I took a deep breath an jabbed it just below its neck. It took all my strength just to keep it on track. I underestimated the strength of these fuckers!

The Xenomorph retreated then got low an charged again! I was able to fake it out, or so I thought when it knocked me down with a tail whip. It turns around, then pounces on top of me.

The little jaw pops out I bearly dodges  as it shoots out at an incredible speed. I feel it's claws as it dug into my shoulder an chest. I fumble as I grab at the daggar at my side. I finally get it unsheathed an I plunged it into the Xenomorphs neck!

I grab on it with both my bloodied hands in grab an roll move I partially decapitated the stupid thing! I was able to roll away, before the blood got on me. The creature screeched at me before it collapsed, it was still moving so I ran over an grabbed my combistick an took off the head!

I take the Vail of Crash's blood off of my neck an I cut off a claw. I put some of his blood on to the acidic blood tip an mark my forehead in the way Crash had told me. It felt very primal...

As I pack my trophy up, another Xenomorph snuck up on me  just as it pounces towards me Chris's Scythe came flying cutting off its head mid air. She helped me up. "You did great Singh!" She said cheerily. "Need to hunt more or want to help with med duties.?" She asked me.

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