Chapter 205

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We had arrived at the planet that we would be having a short hunt at. As our next destination would leave us on the ship for a month or 2 while we made it to the 2nd Ooman base.

Crash an Hopper were getting things ready. The clan seemed to be looking forward to hunting, as a precaution only half of the crew would be allowed to go down at a time. Crash would lead the first group of ships down. Then after five days they would come back an Hoppers group would go down.

Dee, Fa'tae an Lu'Nye would be responsible for the three base camps. Including reports an settling disputes. They would be there the full 10 days. This would allow them hunting as well as testing their abilities to control others.

I look over the reports an sigh. It's only been a few days since the discipline in the dining hall took place. Since then things have quieted down a bit. Honestly it felt a bit lonely in the dining hall without Chris an the pups there all the time.

Chris usually joined me for supper in the hall nowadays, but she was too busy in the kitchen to have breakfast with me. The pups definitely preferred to eat in the kitchen. They seemed to eat more there an were more relaxed.

When they get older they will have to come to the hall but I will wait on that till they are atleast 2 years old.

I check on the reports from home. Everything seems to be good, an everyone is fine. Sooni still is refusing to talk to Chris, she is furious at her. I got a lecture the other day from Sooni about the Situation.

As much as I agreed with Sooni on her point of view of the situation. I also told her of Chris's point of view as well. Right now the most important thing was keeping the family safe. An there was really no better place than here for Chris.

Mind you I am sure Sooni is gonna find some way to castrate me, when we do come home for the birthing season. Maini an Tanomi sympathize with Sooni but they were rather relieved to know the plan of keeping Chris here.

I just Pray to Paya that this is truly the right choice. As I look at the console I hear Crash come up behind me. "Dar'ke, everything is all set with my group. We will be departing within the hour. " Crash says as he hands me a data Crystal.

"Keep me updated on what you find, this is an unexplored planet. However there is a possibility that there might some Oomans on it, as it is a habitable planet close to one they made their base on..." I said to him.

"I understand, that's why I am taking Singh down with me. OldOne is sending Zak down with my group as well to find more foragables. Are you sure you don't want to come on this Hunt Dar'ke?" Crash asks me.

I nod "With 2 mates in the early stages of bearing, an given the situation. Its safer if two of us are here at all times. Even if it's a slim chance on the ship being raided, I rather be prepared." I said to Crash.

"...I am Sorry Dar'ke..." Crash says to me. As he looks down, "If I had better control of Alexi from the beginning, an we had a better understanding of one another. This wouldn't have been a situation to begin with" he said with a frustrated tone to his voice.

"Crash no need to apologize. What's done is done, right now all we can do is protect our clan from this point. It's not your fault, it's not your dishonor, this is the path Alexi chose. I doubt anyone could have changed her mind..." I said to him.

Crash nodded in agreement an then he left to head towards the docks. I hope that they had a good hunt...

I was in my office swearing up a storm. We had lost technology an vital specimens! I had just gotten word that the base had been attacked by another group of predators! Atleast there were human survivors this time.

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