Chapter 276

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I ended up rushing to Sooni's Room after Dar'ke had said she had given birth! This was not an expected event! 

When I arrive Sooni an her new pup is surrounded by our family. Jay'Ve an Sha'On are on the couch chattering to one another as Dar'ke is on one side of Sooni. Chris an Rakkii is at her other side, Tanomi is sitting at the end of the bed chattering at them.

"Maini, looks like this little one couldn't wait..." Sooni chatters at me, she looked very tired.

I sigh with relief, as I scan her an her pup. "I suppose she gets that from her Sire" I chatter back to them amused. Chris an Tanomi burst into laughter. Dar'ke let out a growl of disapproval. Sooni was just shaking her head amused.

I didn't like this scan. Sooni body was much weaker an it wasn't healing as fast as she normally does. This was a result of bearing to many pups to close together. Her body didn't have proper time to heal. Chris notices my frown, she gets a look in her eyes.

"Sooni have this Strawberry shake, it will help perk you up after such a fast birth!" Chris says to her handing her the shake. Sooni took it reluctantly an Drank it without protest. She was very exhausted.

When I scanned the drink I noticed it had Chris's fluids in it. As Sooni drank it, her healing returned to her normal levels. Rather then worry them all, I would just keep monitor Sooni. Chris seemed extra protective of Sooni. It seems the tables have turned, it was rather cute, although a little illogical...

The more concerning point was that Sooni's milk hadn't come in yet. The female pup who was in great health was starting to whine to be fed. Sooni handed her pup to Chris, an Chris handed her Rakkii to hold. She fed the New born pup like an experienced bearer now.

"Wow she is so pretty!" Jay'Ve said as he walked over to the bed. Being very respectful looking over their new sister.

"They are BOTH very pretty!" Sha'On correct his brother. "What's her name going to be?" He asked us.

"Chris would you like to name her?" Sooni asked her.

Chris who had stars of excitment in her eyes. "Are you sure Sooni? Is everyone okay with this?" She asked us.

I nodded as did everyone else. "Well she has a crescent moon on her head. What do you think of the name Luna?" She says to us.

"That's a very pretty name Chris. I hope she keeps it when she is older..." Sooni says to her sleepily.

It's a very yautja way of naming as we choose names more on features. Even if it was an Ooman word it seemed to fit very well with this female pup. I chittered at them as I see that Rakkii was starting to wiggle trying to get to Chris. She seemed jealous that her bearer was feeding her sibling.

Once Luna had her fill Chris handed her to Dar'ke to clean up as she took Rakkii back. Rakkii seemed to bite down hard onto Chris's nipple, "OUCH!" Chris let out, she pulled back a little an poked her pup on her head Crest. "Just because we share doesn't mean I love you less my baby. There is plenty here for you too..." she purred at Rakkii.

I chittered at the scene.

As Dar'ke cleaned up Luna I went over to Sooni. "You are going to be on strick bedrest Sooni! Atleast for the next three days at the minimum!" I scolded her.

She didn't even have the energy to fight me on this. "I get it Maini, maybe later on send up Siri to give us a hand? You an Tanomi need to rest as well" she said to me sleepily.

"I will do that Sooni, just rest for now we are watching over you." I said to her. She nodded an fell into a deep sleep almost instantly.

Tanomi looked at me "Maini, that was way too fast! That can't be normal, can it?" She asks me as she gets up.

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