Chapter 342

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I saw Jay'Ve an Sha'On come out of the bath. Sha'On looked relaxed, Jay'Ve still looked a bit tense. Hopefully this goes well...

Sooni is very worried about what what our talk tonight is going to be. Jay'Ve an Sha'On come over an sit on the opposite couch from us. The air was thick with tension.

This wasn't going to do anyone any good...

"Since I know how smart you two are, I guess I don't even need to bet you know what we need to talk about." I say trying to open the Dialogue up.

Sha'On nods while Jay'Ve crosses his arms an stares at Sooni an I. It reminds me a lot of RedOne an Dar'ke his behavior.

"Jay'Ve, Sha'On...I am truly sorry that my neglect, an ignorance of the situation caused you both so much pain...That is my failure as the Matriarch of the family. I want to know what I can do an what the family can do to earn back the trust of  both of you." Sooni says to them Sincerely.

Sha'On looks like he is about to speak but Jay'Ve shoots him a look.

Jay'Ve looks to Sooni in a serious manner. "Matriarch Sooni, it wasn't just pain! It wasn't just Sha'On an I that suffered! We were dishonored by our siblings on a daily basis in the pup dormitory! Our so called siblings tried to kill us on more then one occasion during training! They tried to hurt Rakkii! They wanted to kill her too! That's not even including what you, an the rest of the so called 'family' has done to Ooma! Do you really think empty words is what we want to hear? We can tell you that we forgive you. But those would be empty words too! Empty words are just lies! Where is the honor in that!?!" He asks us. He was angry but he was doing his best to be logical. He was holding back a flood of cut throat comments. 

I could see that my boys an Sooni were in a lot of pain...

They needed to get it out now or it would be worse in the future. If it festered here, there wouldn't be a future.

I could see Sooni holding back, her fists were balled up so tightly they were bleeding an she was shaking. She was angry, it wasn't at them, but at herself...

She looks to Jay'Ve "My words are not empty! I also agree with you on a lot of what you said Jay'Ve. I am a failure of Matriarch! I failed everyone...I plan on stepping down from being the Matriarch when you an your bearer return." Sooni says to them.

Neither Jay'Ve or Sha'On knew before that I will be taking over the Matriarch postion in the family, I would hold the second most powerful postion next to Dar'ke in the clan.

Both Jay'Ve an Sha'On looked at us in shock. "I will become an Elite before I become the next Matriarch. Sooni will still be my sub Matriarch. This will help to keep you an your siblings from me, safer in the future. This way Matriarch Sooni can spend more time with your other siblings to help them. Because we don't have a lot of mates with my abilities I can make sure that accidents don't happen anymore. I can also catch things a lot sooner, even faster then Grandpa Red. Jay'Ve, Sha'On I love you both so much! I also love your siblings too. It is an adults duty to guide wayward pups to become honorable. I know its unrealistic an even unreasonable to ask you two to accept an care about all your siblings. Especially after what has happened. What I am asking, do you think its possible to have mutual respect even if it boarders on indifference?" I ask them.

Sha'On looks at Sooni an then to me his mouth is agape in shock. "WAIT...Ooma your gonna be the families Matriarch!?!?!" He asks me still in shock.

Both Sooni an I nod at him. Sooni had put a hand on my thigh. I leaned into her side to give her a little comfort. Jay'Ve sat back looking up at the ceiling. This threw him a curve ball...Ha!

When he looks at us he sighs deeply. "That's a start...But Ooma aren't you taking on too much again?" He says giving me the 'eye'.

"Believe it or not this will actually reduce my work load...." I say to him thoughtfully. Even Sooni looks at me confused.

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