Chapter 252

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The morning passed by too quickly for my liking. After we got the pups up, Maini came by to pick them up. She took them down to get cleaned up an fed in the dormitory, as they would be doing morning training.

Dar'ke, Sooni an I took a bath, afterwards we just cuddled an napped on the bed together. I had wanted to do adult things with them. However with the situation, the sex drive of all three of us was just gone.

It felt a little frustrating, however when between to very cuddly space kitties it felt very warm an cozy! It was hard to stay awake...

It was about noon time an we got up, we left the room to head towards the pup training area. I was holding Dar'kes hand in my right hand an Soonis hand in my left. We were all tired, an quiet as we walked down the hallway.

I could sense eyes on us, I tighten my Grip on their hands. I turn my head to the open window as Neither Dar'ke or Sooni seemed to sense the intruder. "Alexi leave us alone for a little but longer, I told you before I would meet you tonight..." I said in a chilling tone.

Suddenly Dar'ke an Sooni tense up an start to growl. They put me behind their bodies. Alexi uncloaks arrogantly, seemlying unafraid of begin killed by two very pissed off Space kitties!

"Unfortunately time is moved up Chris, WarAxe is planning on moving the ship soon. He wants to move deeper into Ooman space. I came to let you know that you have 4 hours left with them..." Alexi said in disrespectful tone.

"ALEXI How dare you!" Sooni shouts at her. I knew she wouldn't be able to keep her cool in this situation. I look to Dar'ke who looks like he is 2 seconds away from going into a berserker rage.

"Sooni, Dar'ke please calm down..." I purr to them. I hold on to both of their hand tighter. "Thank you for letting us know a head of time Alexi. I would ask if you refrain from being here to long. Sooni is bearing a female, this stress isn't good for her..." I say as political as possible.

Alexi nods then disappears, it doesn't take long, till I can no longer sense her presence. Sooni cursing, Dar'ke is doing the angry cat 1000 mile stare in the direction of the window Alexi was just at.

Just fuck...

I sigh "Alright time to move the plans up a bit. Let's go cuddle the pups for a bit then let Mar'cte an Lu'Nye know what's going on." I say to them as I tugged at their hands to get them to follow me.

Sooni stopped her cursing an sent a message to the family for us to all meet up outside. Dar'ke went deathly quiet as we walked to the pups training grounds. We sat by a tree I had Sooni an Dar'ke sitting on either side of me.

The tension was thick. That was soon broken as we were tackled by all the pups! They were chittering an cuddly. 37 children all at different ages were so happy to see us.

Maini an Tanomi came out as well to sit by us. Sai an Bae where here as well with Hil'di an her bearers. It was like a family picnic reunion! I got out drinks, rolled meats, cheeses an fruit out of my inventory.

We had a peaceful time together, under different circumstances it would have been more enjoyable. Everyone was trying to be nice about my feelings while hiding their own.

Dar'ke had more or less shut down, he was here physically. Mentally he was numb an checked out. I wanted to be there for him...

I just couldn't, I was barely holding it together myself. If I broke down now there would be hell to pay, their lives are more important to me.

I sense Alexi is nearby in one of the trees. I see that Hil'di is looking in the same direction. She had good senses! I am glad that she is here.

After a few hours pass the adults an the pups leave till it's just Sooni, Dar'ke, Jay'Ve, Sha'On, Kiki, stinky, Maini an myself. Jay'Ve an Sha'On where laying down besides my legs as Kiki was laying between them. I made sure to give them hugs, kisses, purrs an advice.

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