Chapter 307

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A few days have passed, Hopper would be leaving sometime today to join Ceillia an their pups. Along with my Chris an our pups. It seems my Sire was going to stay a few extra days with them as well. Sooni was happy that they scheduled her to visit Chris at the end of the month. She was really looking forward to that...

I sigh as head to my room on the clan ship. I needed to get some rest before the meetings take place tomorrow. As I get infront of my door, I pause as I can smell Chris!?!?

Not just that but I can hear movement in our room!?!? I feel my hearts start to beat fast within my chest.

I open the door cautiously an see Chris laying on the bed in her Yautja  form. She is laying on her belly looking at her Ooman entertainment device. I seen her do this many times in her Ooman form. It took my breath away!

She looks over an chitters at me "Dar'ke come join me!" She says to me happily...?

I want to dive right into the bed! She is barely wearing was very arousing. Is this an illusion?

As I question myself I realize that Chris has gotten up from the bed. She came over to me, than she scoops me up off my feet!?!?! She takes me over to the bed to gently lay me down. She then climbs onto the bed with me. She starts to cuddle very affectionately with me.

Nuzzeling an purring at me...?

Was this really my Chris?

It felt right nice....

I nuzzeled her back an wrapped my arms around her. It felt so warm, it was definitely her!

Whether it be her Ooman form or her Yautja form, Chris is still Chris!

Chris while we are snuggling removes my armor sneakily. We were almost full skin to skin contact! My lower body ached to be one with her again. It's been so long since we had been together!

From the smell of her arousal as well, I could tell she was feeling it too! She looks at me as she strokes my cheek with the back of her hand. "Dar'ke..." she whispers my name. As she looks deep into my eyes.

Thay one word held an entire world of words. Of permissions, understandings, an acceptance! I chatter at her as I leaned up an Bit her neck as she offers it up to me.

My Mate was Back!

Chris had let me know that she was picking me up in a few hours, that she needed to talk to Dar'ke for a little bit. As anxious as I wanted to see Ceillia, I know those two had many things to work out. I just hope they didn't fight, Dar'ke has been through hell.

Vil'Lai had me pack 20 storages of stuff for Ceillia! I think she is missing her a lot too. I know the younger pups are missing their siblings terribly. A few of my older males were heading off with Sa'ke tomorrow for the unblooded hunt. Crash had two of his older males that he had with Alexi going on the hunt as well.

I am glad that Dee, Fa'tae, Lu'Nye will be looking out for our pups. The Older male I had with Bo'ti was going on the hunt too, although he is younger then most. He needs to learn why the world works as is does. I told the others to treat him like they would any crew normally.

If he gets out of line make him bleed.

I hope this helps to put him on the honorable path. Atleast I know it will keep him from interacting with any purest factions here!

I am going to miss Zak an Zu'Kos cooking when they head off on the hunt as well. Mind you Mar'cte was training new ones to take their place, he would also stop off twice a day to make sure things were correct an safe. He gave Vil'Lai a guild for the kitchen an a few of my mates would help watch in the kitchen. Surprisingly there were a number of females that wanted to learn how to cook!

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