Chapter 297

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I felt a little better after leaving Dar'ke an Sooni. We opened the door for our hearts, an hopefully we can be a family again in the future. It wasn't gonna be easy, I believe we can do it. I am glad that they are to at least willing to try this.

I headed back to Mar'ctes. I waved to the Group. Ceillia comes running up to me like she is gonna hug. She gives me a surprise wicked gut punch to my guts. I staggered a little, right super strength...forgot about that.

"Don't you dare pull a stupid stunt like that again Chris or so help my god I will tan your ass!" Ceillia scolds me.

I hear chitters an agreeing growls. From the group behind her "Okay I promise I won't do that again Ceillia." I say as I cough up a little blood.

"Good!" I hear Singh say to me "Oh I plan to lecture you too! On the other side Chris! However we are wasting Daylight now." He says with a 'Your ears are gonna bleed' tone.

I can respect that.

"We will keep everything here safe until the return. If there is any issues come an get us!" RedOne says "Also remember next week is my turn to go see my grandpups!" He growls out at the end. It seems him an Mar'cte had bickered about who should go first.

Given that we need RedOne an Crash on this side for the communications system set up. It just made more sense this way. RedOne, Crash, Hopper, Vil'Lai, an Are'tes were staying behind to help things here.

I was taking Mar'cte, Sa'ke, Singh, Shi'va, Ceillia, Kiki, Jesse an Robin. They will be the ones coming with me. Kiki was looking like she was vibrating she was so excited to see Jay'Ve an Sha'On.

I get them to stand in a shadow an  then in that elevator feeling  like when you're going down a tower. We arrive to my new home...

Everyone was looking around in Awe. Singh an Shi'Va seemed really excited as did Sa'ke. They don't know where we are yet. Ceillia looked a little apprehensive as this place held both good an bad memories. Mar'cte was already eyeing up some of the plant life. Kiki was helping with Jesse an Robin.

As we were close to the door I wave for everyone to follow me. As we get within 20 yards of the door way. It suddenly flings open an my Tiny Terror Kitten makes a beeline straight to Sa'ke while doing her battle squeal!

Jay'Ve an Sha'On rush out an they run to Kiki an they tackle one another in tears, chitters an threats. Ahhhhhh young love, its adorable!

Jay'Ve an Sha'On are close to 6'9 in height right now. Kiki was 5'1 her growth was slowing down. Mind you that will never be an issue for her in the future. Rakkii was 3 feet even in height, mind you she was already up into Sa'kes arms. She was beating him furiously in the head with her Bunbun. It looks like she doesn't like the neck guard that he is wearing.

"Chris...what in the hell are you feeding your kids?!?! Their huge!" Singh said to me in shock.

I chitter at him as I wave them inside. "Just some home cooking..." I reply to him.

Mar'cte heads in an goes to explore the open concept Kitchen, he seems to really like the design. Jesse an Robin went to the living room an were bouncing on the couchs, Ceillia is close behind them. Shi'Va notices the door to the training room she slips away to take a peek.

Kiki, Jay'Ve, an Sha'On are outside still talking. I don't think they even noticed that we headed in. Sa'ke with Rakkii, heads towards the kitchen. Mar'cte tries to bait Rakkii into letting go of Sa'ke.

It doesn't work

"Chris given this cliff an the structure of this building it shouldn't exist...So are you going to explain what the fuck this is?" Singh asks me with his arms crossed.

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