Chapter 249

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Mar'cte let Sa'ke and I know of the Emperors orders. We were gathering the clan members back to the ship. Mar'cte and his team are only a few hours away from home now. I think the ship he is on is gonna need an new engine, he is really pushing it.

Dar'ke also called me on a private line to let me know about what was going down. He wasn't going to give Chris without a fight. I understand how he feels, after almost losing Ceillia an our pups. In my opinion, He is one hell of a strong Pauker to go through this.

I also got information from the Emperor that the council's territories an private hunting planets will be given to our clan to help make things right. From the dishonorable actions of the council of elders. Those territories will be protected by the Emperors forces until we have enough trained individuals to look after them.

Given that we have strong individuals rising within the clan that are of extraordinary honor, skill an loyalties. I doubt that will be to much of a problem. We will have enough resources to take a year off to get our home in proper order, an get these individuals trained up.

We had a number of females that wanted to band together to create hunting parties. Those that were widowed, young ones without mates, as well as lost ones with out families. This will create many opportunities...

I head up to bridge to take over for Dee. Sa'ke was resting and would take over for me after my shift. "Dee how long till we arrive home?" I ask him.

"We have 3 days before the clan ship will arrive home at current speed. Given the current bulk on the ship it won't be able to move much faster then it currently is..." he reported to me.

Yeah even with the portable storage units there was still a lot of weight on the ship. I had forgotten that was a huge factor in speed. I gotten so use to Chris's inventory skill, that we use to be able to zip around much faster.

I was glad to be home soon, I was missing Ceillia terribly! Vil'Lai practically moved into our room so that was going to be interesting to deal with. I wonder if I should have a bed made like Avie made for Sooni and them.

I ponder that idea. I can already feel Vil'Lai breaking my ribs with that suggestion. I mean they are already gonna get broken cause of the snack stash...

I mean it won't make much difference either way.

Singh is already scanning the compounds sneakily. Alexi decided to try an get revenge on us for her dishonorable behavior. I should have taken her out in the ship before the trial!

Good news! Crash was starting to respond and looks to be on the mend. He maybe be conscious in a week or so. Hopefully he was still himself, well I would be over to harass him when he is awake every few days till he can punch me properly! He is gonna need a lot of extra training to get his body back to normal.

I had the liberty with Sa'ke earlier to weed out WarAxes spies. We let them choose living hell or honorable death. Only 1 chose living hell, the others tooks their own lives infront of the rest of the crew as they were named traitors to the clan...but not BadBloods as they chose to go the honorable way for their actions.

The one that is living is in a 're education' program. He survived the beating from Sa'ke an I. If he can regain his honor with the clan he may turn out to be a good member.

Zak was planning the meals out using the stocks we had. The meals quality hadn't changed, thankfully Chris stocked the kitchen with enough condiments an spices to keep even the picky eaters satisfied. 

Admittedly I preferred when Ceillia and Chris have a hand in the kitchen. The food just has a better taste to it over all. Its weird, maybe it's another ability of theirs that they don't know about. Hopefully Kiki can help teach those at our home how to make tasty/healthy meals that Vil'Lai will approve of.

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