Chapter 225

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After traveling for so long I make it to the clan ship. Dar'ke and Hopper come to meet me as I dock my ship. I slepted mostly in the pilots seat on the way here. So my body was stiff from inactivity.

"Sa'ke it good to see your ugly face again!" Hopper chittered at me in good humor. Dar'ke smacked him upside the back of Hoppers head. "Dar'ke I was just giving the little Chit a proper greeting!" Hopper said to him.

I chittered at both of them. This was a much more relaxed atmosphere then Bru'taes ship or even our new home world. "SEE Even Sa'ke Approves of this!" Hopper whined at us.

I just shook my head "So are you gonna stand there an insult me all day or are you gonna help me get this chit to my room?" I shot back to Hopper chittering at him.

"Insulting you would be fun...however we need to get you settled as soon as possible. Dar'ke is in desperate need of a good Pau....Ouch! Dar'ke that's not fair!" Hopper called out. As Dar'ke had smacked him a little harder this time.

A ship of all I could think to myself. I grabbed a couple of Trunks as did Dar'ke and Hopper and they showed me to my room. It was a fair size. It was a little bigger then the room I had in Bru'taes ship. It was closer to Dar'kes room then it was to Hoppers. It was closer to the bridge which I liked.

Once we load in my trunks, Hopper pissed off to go do his duties as he was on shift. I had been in the ship before when it was landed and the Renovations done to it. But it was a different feeling in space.

The training rooms were amazing, the dining hall was huge. The two pits were well organized. The pod sleeping spaces saved a lot of space. The storage areas were well stocked, the engine room was a bit more advanced then what I am use to but I am sure I can do the checks easily.

A lot of the clan members from my side were coming up an greeting me. It was a really weird but a happy feeling. It was relatively relaxed on their...I mean our ship.

We headed towards the kitchen and we take the back way in. The storage room looked more like a dorm with the way there was bedding everywhere! I see Hoppers mate passed out on a large pillow next to the puptent. She was heavily bearing she was only 3 months 3 weeks but she looked like she could pop any time!

Now that I think about it Chris was similar when I first met her. We pass by a sleeping male on the floor. I am sure that is probably Dar'kes eldest Lu'Nye. He and Dar'ke looked a lot alike. Their main difference was in how they smelt.

Once we enter the kitchen it's full of steam and wonderful smells. I see My brother Zak getting along very well with a young male. I think that is one of the spies...Zu'ko I think. I will have to make note to 'talk' to him later. I see OldOne who is talking to Chris and they are surrounded by...? Are those the pups!?!?!?

My eyes just about bug out of my head I have never seen 6 month old pups so tall before! Even Brown and Green are a little shorter then their brothers. Even the female pup who was a head shorter then the males was tall for her age! What were they feeding these pups!

Chris sees and waves to us and we come over. She introduces me to the pups and everyone. I am glad that she was doing well, her belly was large as well but not as large as is had been before during her last bearing. We chatted for a few minutes before getting a back pack from her.

I let Zak know that I will come talk to him later. He seems like he is very happy where he is. I am glad that my brother found his place again. He had been looking so lost before it was great to see the positive difference now!

"What do you think so far Sa'ke?" Dar'ke asks me.

"Dar'ke...I honestly don't know where to begin. However I will say that this ship is different from what I know. I mean that in a good way....Similar to home now...just with less demands from females." I said to him.

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