Chapter 295

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I was numb from my grief and my anger. I had set myself up in my room on the clan ship. I had a lock timer set on my door. Other then when Tanomi was injured I had never wanted to ever truly kill any of my pups. Nor had I ever made the move to do so, this time around.

I just still can't believe Chris left us! It felt like there was a hole in my hearts that could never be filled. This felt worse then when Krysis died...

I could still faintly feel Chris's sadness. I should be so lucky that she doesn't cut off our connection completely!

I could probably find her with just this. But then what....?

Would I drag them back here only for them to be harmed lethally again? That would do nothing but cause more pain an death for everyone. Chris had been trying more then anyone to make this work...

I needed to find out where the pups were getting this chit information from. Outside forces were definitely conspiring to destroy my family an Clan. They went for our heart...

It unfortunately worked in their favor.

I feel foolish! I never said really anything to Chris today. An when I last saw It's not that I didn't want to, I just couldn't. The lump in my throat at that time bearly allowed me to breath as I saw her walking away with them.

That hurt expression she gave us just before she left... I felt like I had completely betrayed her. I am so worried for her an our pups.

I lay on the bed with the furs that still carried her scent. Where did this all go wrong...?

I hear steps approaching my room an I sigh then I sit up. "Hopper I am in no mood to talk" I growl to him.

"I figured that, but this needed to be said in person. There can't be any record of it for now...but I wanted to let you know that 'they' are safe" he chatters to me.

I felt a huge weight lifted off of my chest. "How....?" I begin to question him.

Hopper just let's out a growl. "Dar'ke it's better you don't ask in this case. Once you get out of here let Sooni know when she has calmed down. Don't do it over any communications. I have a suspicion that others are looking for them too. This is to keep them all safe for now...So how much longer are you under house arrest?" He asks me.

"Just till tomorrow evening, I didn't want to do anything rash in the heat of the moment. Chris wouldn't like it..." I said to him as my voice trails off.

"Dar'ke keep thinking like that. I am in a similar situation with Bo'ti an Ceillia. Luckily though Bo'ti is an adult an will be punished as such. I don't have any other answers I can give you...I'm sorry Brother" Hopper says to me with frustration in his voice.

An that's part of the issue because they are my pups! If they went to a trial situation they would be condemned to death. Maybe I should just put those responsible to death an be done with it...

"Oh Dar'ke! I hope you don't mind but Mai already okayed it with Maini for Ti'ni to take residence at your place until Maini pups are at a stage where she can function at 100%. Lu'Nye has her already settled in..."He let's me know.

"Thanks Hopper..." I say to him. Lu'Nye is probably feeling a lot of things right now. I am glad that his mate to be is close by.

"If you need anything don't hesitate to  call me Dar'ke." Hopper says to me. I listen as his steps go further away down the hallway.

I laid back down staring numbly at the ceiling. I only know of two individuals who would be able to get information that fast, about Chris an our pups. It was good to know that they are safe.

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