Chapter 349

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I felt a shiver going the over reports. I think Sooni an Chris are back home now, after their short hunting trip. I would need to give them a report about the five families that bonded together. So far we have funneled a lot of resources to them.

Maini gave me an update on the pups,  including their health reports. Those individuals from those families are doing better. As long as they continue to have high nutrition they will be fine without harm to their over all growth.

Our own pups were doing well, Tusk was looking to see if he could search outside the family to form a hunting party. Crash an Hopper have young males that are looking to do the same. It might be better if they looked to the lost ones for hunting brothers.

There are a number of lost ones that are very talented. They just need to be trained to a better extent. A few of the retired males, myself an a few shadow elites will be holding public classes in each city. About once a week an rotate the city each week. The shadows will look for stronger individuals to take under their tutelage.

This way we can look at who is ready to move up an who needs more training. Sa'ke will soon be to the second hunting planet. We may need to do 2 ships next hunting round with the unblooded.

Siri was talking about how her an Are'tes along with a female shadow could form a female only unblooded ship. Which maybe for the best as an assassin had come looking for EKate...

I don't know what was worse for that poor Pauker. Running into Are'tes and the brutal way she killed him. Or what Mar'cte would have done when finding out what had happened.

He had confirmed that he is staying with Chris an the rest of them. He has also confirmed that next month he is planning on taking EKate as a proper mate. Are'tes was drinking heavily in celebration, she was raiding Mar'ctes stash for more alcohol when she came upon the assassin this morning...

I sigh as get ready to head over to Crashs place. I needed to use the console over there. Maini has requested if Chris comes to visit again. That she needed more of her blood for research in creating an emergency syringe that could regenerate limbs. If they work she wants to have put into to emergency surgical medikits.

Chris would probably be willing, Sooni on the other hand...

She would probably voice her displeasure. I am not looking forward to that!

Tanomi, Sai an Bae have been doing well with the sucklings. Tanomi seems she has a question she wants to ask me. She has remained slient...that has me worried about what she wishes to ask about.

There were really only two subjects that I avoided. That is rites to mating with Chris, both Maini an Tanomi has expressed interest in that after the new toys had been introduced. Luckily Sooni had shot them down on that!

The other topic I avoided was gathering more mates...

Our family was big enough as it was! There wasn't any need to gather more females! Siri, Avei an Are'tes are temporary help an will be free to do as they wish in a year or so. Other then that we are fine with ratio of pups to adults.

We could always gather more outside help when needed. An in three years Chris an our pups will be back. That will be a huge help to the family. She will travel between the ship an home using her shadows. I told her that wasn't nessacary as she could be home. She told me that she was going to divide her time equally between the family an the clan.

It seems she has a plan.

I just wish she let me into her bubble more...

I can be there for her too!

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