Chapter 261

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About a half hour earlier, I had gotten word that all the pups had been moved. Dee an Fa'tae had headed over to Sooni's, to help out both families.

I would have to reward them later on. I wonder what they would like?

I get a message from Crash an Shi'Va as they load up my colleagues, Themselves, and the rest of the mates. They were about to take off for safety.

Thank goodness!

The retireed staff an lost ones went to the city where the shields were up an in place. Already Around the surrounding areas. So if shit goes badly at least it will keep the lost of life to the minimum.

Crash orders me that I have to return to him! As does Shi'Va. Well hopefully I will be able to keep those...

They launch their ship an head off. I look at the complexity of the bomb. Just then the numbers start to flick faster!?!?

Fuck fuck fuck!

I get the shield up but it not enough time! If their ship gets caught in the blast zone they will all be killed!

I am gonna haunt Alexi that bitch if I die!

I concentrate my powers an get a small magnetic vortex going. If I can funnel the blast upwards and down wards at the same time, I can keep them safe! It needs to be bigger! I don't have enough power to make it larger!


I see the metal pole the pups use for training. I look back into the hallway where the main power line is. Well I suppose there are worse ways to go...

I use the plasma disk Crash gave me before, to cut the line in the hallway. Its Arking electric currents everywhere! I grab the wiggling wire an drag the thick coil into the room. I was going to have to turn myself into a super electrode magnet!

I grab both of the metal rods in my hands an took a deep breath. I shove one into the coil as I point the other one up! I can't think the pain it to much for my brain to concentrate...

No! They will die because of me!

I feel a cool hand on my forehead an see a ghostly Chris!?! She smiles at me sadly, then gives me a wink an a thumbs up. The pain subsides, I can still smell my flesh cooking though...

I can do this!

I concentrated an get the large magnetic vortex up! I feel the intense pressure of the explosion! I was able to funnel it upwards to the atmosphere! An into the crust of the earth below us!

It's so intensely hot!

The light is blinding! The Air is so hot I can feel my skin burning! I have to hold on! There is a secondary explosion that almost knocks me off my feet! I feel small hands hold me up from behind. Giving me strength to carry on!

I hold fast!

After a few minutes, that felt like hours the explosion cloud is gone. It's done! I fall on to my back onto the cold stone floor.

Everything is burning, but it's not uncomfortable...?

I look up at the New Sky light in the pups Dorm. I was able to save them an our home! I look at the night sky, the stars looked dimmed tonight.

I felt my heart flutter as it slows down.

I'm gonna die alone...

I chuckle bitterly into the cool night air. 'But I won't die unloved...' I thought to myself.

Crash is gonna be furious at me...

I smile up into the broken building, atleast he is safe...

They are all safe...

Isekai !?!?!? to AVP universe? Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now