Chapter 304

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I was sitting in my room. My ass is still sore, I am still in disbelief of what happened. I tried to think back to what happened, the series of events over this past week...

Lisa had been helping me with getting me out of the room. When making progress we would return to my room than we would drink some good spirits. The Alcohol had eased the anxiety of leaving the room. It had become a ritual at this point...

We had made it down the hallway a 5 days ago. The best progress so far! Lisa had come by with 10 barrels of good spirits, She had challenged me to a drinking contest. If she won I would have pushed the threapy to leaving the compund. If I won she would do anything I requested.

I had won easily enough against her, Ooman females are generally weak when it comes to the drink. I remember her flushed face the way she looked at me with hungry eyes. I felt something light a fire within my soul, an loins. It was a moment of weakness on my part. I had joking asked her to mate with me...

She Agreed!

It was....Amazing! I suppose Oomans really do have a superior mating style then yautja do. That explains why Dar'ke an the others are so protective of their Ooman mates. The way she used her small hand an arm to penetrate me, as she rode me on top. The sensation was delirious!

The way she bit me, blind folded my eyes. The way she tortured me with pain an pleasure! I never felt this before...

I run my hands thru my dreads. My Matriarch an current mates have abandoned me for my actions. I don't know if I could go back an mate with them anyways. Not after this experience!

We spent 2 days just drinking heavily an mating. After passing out for a day when we woke up together. Lisa seemed Skittish...?

When I held her an told her that she was my mate now she was horrified. She grabbed her clothes an ran out of the room, not even dressed. Since then I haven't seen her. An it's been a complete chit show! I don't know what to do!

Maini had come to check on me, she pointed out the mark on my shoulder. So it looks like I am going to be part of the blessed ones. Are all blessed ones this dishonorable?

I get up an walk to the balcony an look in the direction to where I think Lisa is. I should go an see her, the way she was so passionate during our mating, I wonder if she had been in heat...? If that was the case she is probably carrying my pups within her.

I need to take responsibility for my actions.

I get an incoming call from my Matriarch. I let out a growl it is probably another lecture. I take the communication anyways, it's better to sort this out now. Rather then have it being held over my head.

I have my room locked as I throw up again in the toliet. It's been 2 days is a hangover suppose to be this long?!?! Or is this the result in fucking a giant dick?

Everything was still sore! Singh is suppose to be back today. If he hears about this he is gonna rub it in my face!

I vomit hard again, afterwards I swish some water in my mouth before I spit it out. I wish I could have some toast an weak tea right now. The sudden though of food turns my stomach sour.

I hear a familiar light knock on my door. I let out a groan. "Go away Singh I am in no mood to talk..." I call to him.

I hear a zap an metal crunching sounds. I look up from the toliet to the doorway an see Singh with plain toast an what looks like to be tea! "Are you sure Lisa?" Singh taunts me. He has a devilish grin on his face.

He comes over an sits on the floor with me. I take the tea an savor the sweet hot drink, my stomach growls angrily demanding to be fed! I slowly start to munch on a peice of toast.

Isekai !?!?!? to AVP universe? Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now