Chapter 321

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I kept my eyes closed as Dee passed by me. He wasn't as nice as Fa'tae! Lu'Nye was kinda nice but he had an Ooman bearer so he couldn't be trusted! Zu'ko was a lost one... he very dumb! Zak was okay, kinda gross the way he interacts with Zu'ko. They are both males!

Why did Sire an Clan leader trust them so much?

"SCRAPPER!" Zak shouts at me startling me "I know your awake. Head to training, try not to get into to many fights along the way...." Zak chatters me.

I growled at him as I get up. Zu'ko growls back at me, which surprised me. If I growled at him directly he wouldn't usually care. They are so weird!

I leave the kitchen an head down the hallways. Lu'Nye an a few retired older male hunters were leading the training class. My siblings looked like they were doing well, as were the pups from Leader Crashs compound. The others were...well they were pretty lack luster their skills. How did such weak unblooded come on this hunt?

I puff up my chest, my skills were pretty good! They were better then most of the unblooded here, even though they are much older then me! I felt very proud of myself.

Lu'Nye calls my name "Scapper your late! I will be your sparring partner. Get over here..." he calls to me in a firm authoritative tone.

I felt a shiver of disgust I didn't want to be near a half breed much less be touching one when exchanging punches! I nod begrudgingly to him as I drag my feet a little, I make my way over to him.

Lu'Nye doesn't look particularly happy with this situation either. "It looks like you are assigned to my team when we hunting...." he says to me in an somewhat irritated voice.

"Can I be switched to Fa'taes team?" I asked him as I take my sparring stance.

I see as he moves in close for a punch, I go to dodge an end up with a knee in the side of my head!?!?!? I fall to the floor like a stone...

"No, I am in charge of the youngest unblooded for this hunt. Just make sure to listen to me on this hunt. There are Oomans where we will be at. I want to make sure you understand that we are to observe them you have any issues?" Lu'Nye asks me, he has his hand out to help me up.

I slap away his hand. Suddenly I feel a hand around my throat. It hurts!

"Scapper, I asked you a question. Will you have any issues?" Lu'Nye growls at me.

I shake my head no.

He let's go of my neck, I can breath again. I scrambled away from him quickly. He was so fast! How?!?! I think to my self as I reach up to rub my sore neck.

Lu'Nye looks at me in disappointment an gives a sigh. "Just make sure you don't do anything foolish...We want to make sure that no one dies during this hunt." He says to me.

I rolled my eyes at him. I didn't believe him...

He doesn't care, not that it matter if he did... I didn't want a half breed over seeing my first hunt! But...

Maybe I can sneak away an get a few Ooman trophies?

If I get trophies like that, my Sire will forgive me! He is the best at hunting Oomans! He has killed so many! He will be proud if I get 3 maybe 5 skulls on my first hunt!

I can tell Lu'Nye is still staring at me. "What!?!?" I ask him disrespectfully.

An Older retired male comes over an strikes me!?!?

Lu'Nye sighs deeply again. "Scrapper he will be your new sparring partner. Depending on your behavior in the next couple of days you may need to sit this hunt out. I can see what you are thinking about on your face. If you cannot change your attitude in the next 2 days. I will request to Leader Sa'ke to have you ship bound. Understand?" He says to me.

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