Chapter 312

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It's been a few days since I have been here. I felt a lot better, an a lot safer! Chris had gone to talk to Dar'ke, then she was grabbing Mar'cte an Ekate on her way back to stay with for a couple of nights.

Apparantly Are'tes is driving them both nuts!

Chris told Ceillia an I, that she thinks that Are'tes is trying to cause a bond between Ekate an Mar'cte. I was gonna stay out of it. I had my own issues with Knight that I was trying to work on. I am not getting into my Father in laws business...

I went to the large spa bath, since everyone was out, Ceillia was training the pups outside. I was going to take advantage of this slice of heaven!

I strip down an head in, I shower up as I was told to do before. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror an see a tiny bump forming. I reach down an pet just below my belly button. I feel flutters in return...

Not gonna lie that still freaked me out a little.

I head into the the hot cedar pool, ahhhhhh... this feels way to good! The heat envelops me like a hug! I sit on the seating that is higher up in the pool. The water is still at my neck but if I went to the other seating it would be 3 feet over my head!

I think Knight will be coming soon, I think he would like this too. He is still scared of Chris but seeing how he didn't faint when handing me over, I think progress has been made. Plus he didn't seem as alarmed seeing her in her yautja form.

I relax to let my worries float away. I hear clatter of Ceillia coming in with the kids. It might be lunch time? It was still early...

I sigh as I take a few more minutes to enjoy the water. As I sink down into the water, I hear the rapid foot falls of tiny feet coming in this direction.

Just then the door bursts open an it's the terror toddler crew...

Rakkii looks proud as she directs Robin an Jesse to their showers. The chitter an Chrips that came from them was fun. I watch as they disrobe one another than tackle one another as they wash up. I see a panicked Ceillia come thru the door she sees them an then she looks to me.

Before she says anything I wave to her. "I will look after these three just keep the door open in case I need to yell for support." I chuckle to her.

"Thank you Lisa! I will be back shortly, we got a triceratops in training an we need to clean it before we cook it. I owe you big time!" She says to me. She turns to the littles "You three behave! If not, you won't get snack time!" She says to them before leaving.

Rakkii let's out a loud growl of disapproval. Robin followed her Example as well. These three are about 3 an half feet tall. Rakkii was a little taller by a few inches. They were pretty cute still...

The come over to me an sit on the edge before slipping into the water gently to swim around. They were very strong swimmers, they were chittering an racing one another. I still can't believe they were born this year. I honestly can't believe the others that were born over a year ago!

Jay'Ve an Sha'On look like they are about 8 feet tall right now. They filled out a little bit in the last few days. Instead of walking skeletons they look to have some slim muscles. With the amount they were inhaling I am not surprised!

Chris said they were going thru a growth spurt. They are eating about 200lbs of meat a day each if not more! When we were talking to Maini she said this wasn't normal for yautja. However since they seemed healthy an were active, she said just to keep her informed.

I really enjoy talking to Maini now, before I thought she was a bit of a bitch...

Shi'Va gave me some tips on how to improve talking to Maini. She appreciates Maini skills, but she would rather talk to Mai an Ami over at Vil'Lais compound when she is stuck with a medical issue. She finds that Maini is a bit stuck up. When she told me that during a scan I just about pissed myself laughing.

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