Chapter 301

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I had finished up my hunting a little sooner then expected. I had gotten the beast large skull for my trophy collection, as well as many small fuzzy an soft trophies for Rakkii.

I just didn't know what to get her...

I had everything processed an stored yesterday. I had decided to sleep outdoors for that evening as it was really peaceful here. I also wanted to make sure that I was sleeping alone. If Chris hadn't told me to go hunting the first day, I have a feeling I wouldn't have had any sleep.

As the dawning light comes over the jungle trees, I head off in the general direction of Chris's home. When I arrive there I am met outside by Mar'cte who is outside. He is training Jay'Ve, Sha'On an Kiki. He waves to me an I join them.

They see the large skull on my back, they Break to ask me questions. I tell them how I hunted it an where I found the great beast. The pups seem impressed by the trophy, an Mar'cte gave me congratulations on finding worthy prey.

That was very high praise, an it feels good...? This is such a strange feeling.

"Sa'ke have you've eaten yet? If not join us for breakfast." Mar'cte says to me.

I hesitate a little as I know what lies beyond that door. An I really don't want to be chewed on by a pup.

"Grandpa why don't we eat out here? Our Oomas are feeding our siblings, they might get too distracted with all of us heading in at once." Jay'Ve suggests to Mar'cte.

I realize the young male had picked up on my hesitation an thought of a solution almost instantly. He was going to make a good leader in the future. Mar'cte seems to concede to this an sends a message to Chris if she can send out what was done in the kitchen already, after they had taken their portions out.

A shadow appears shortly with a table an benches with stew an seasoned roasted meat! As good as Zak cooking is, he is still a ways away from Mar'ctes skills. One day I am sure they will be just as good!

Perhaps I am just too spoiled by this clan with such variety an tasty foods. I take off my bio mask. Then We all take our places at the table, Mar'cte starts off the meal. It was just as wonderful as it smelt! It didn't take long for us to finish up.

Sha'On was the first to inhale all of his food...followed by Jay'Ve, Mar'cte, myself an Kiki. I am surprised at how fast that they ate their food! Only to remember that they are only a little more then a year old an they are just shy of an average adult Yautja male height. It wouldn't be so odd for the fact that they were still so skinny!

They were about 7'3 an about 200 lbs roughly. They would need to fill out another 200lbs to 300lbs to look like a proper full adult. Dar'ke had mentioned before that Maini when doing the predictive growth for them that her results were almost unbelievable. According to her calculations they will probably be closer to 11 to 12 feet in height an easily 600lbs each if not more.

Given what Chris looks like in her yautja form that wasn't an  unreasonable expectation.

"Sa'ke are you gonna come join us on our hunt with Grandpa today?" Sha'On asks me.

I look to Mar'cte an he gives me a nod of approval. "I suppose I can join you all. I should store my stuff first but I should be good to join you four" I chattered to them.

The pups looked excited. I felt a sudden chill down my back. Mar'cte was looking past me amused, as he was trying to hide his grin. I felt something soft hit my back.

"ADVENTURE TIME WITH ME!" Rakkii said in her squeaky growly voice. "MY SA'KE!" She states boldly.

I turn around an look down, an see Rakkii looking up at me with angry teary eyes. She hops up on to the bench an launches herself at my neck chanting my name. She stops chatting my name when she sinks her teeth an fangs into the top of my left shoulder. It stings!

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