Chapter 239

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"You are clear for landing. Make sure the Oomans have the respirators on, atleast till they get to the Kitchen. I will meet you and Mar'cte down there." Hopper says to us as we head in.

We had decoupled the ships an Mar'cte headed in with the pups. Given the fight that they had with the Ooman pup it was good to give them some space. Mar'cte would take them to the kitchen first. I would have Dee meet me at the docks. Dee an Lu'Nye will help escort the Oomans to the Kitchen with myself.

We get the sign from Mar'cte that he is done unloading. We head in and land. The clan members get their stuff and head off. They were happy to go have a day of rest before their shifts tomorrow.

Once Lu'Nye confirms that the docks are all cleared of other clan members an that Dee is here. I head over to the Store room. I knock "Lisa are you two ready?" I ask.

Lisa calls back "Just a minute please! Tina stop that!"

We hear shuffling, we also hear the young pup protesting loudy with unintelligible words. I sighed as it would seem that the Ooman pup would need to be disciplined again.

Lu'Nye puts a hand on my shoulder. "Let me handle this." He says to me. He then calls on Dee. Dee comes up the ramp an seems a little confused. Lu'Nye goes into the room and Growls at Tina to "Stop!".

As she is frozen in fear Lu'Nye picks her up by the waist band of her pants and hands her off to Dee. Dee looks shocked, Tina Squeaked. "Dee can you carry her to Kitchen. She is less likely to run off an get into trouble with you carrying her." Lu'Nye asked him.

Tina seemed a lot more calmer, Dee on the other hand looked like Lu'Nye handed him a live bomb. I chitter at the scene. Dee looked at me and I nodded.  He sighed than he, Tina and Lu'Nye headed down the ramp.

Lisa came out of the room shaking her head. "Thank you for being so patient with her. I know she is a hand full right now. I will work with her to get better" Lisa said to me with little confidence in her voice.

"I made a promise on my honor to keep her safe. You both will be looked after till the end of your natural lives." I say to her as I wave her to follow me.

"What I don't get a prince charming to carry me...?" Lisa said in a teasing Ooman tone. If it had been Chris I would have been excited...but those words out of another ooman females mouth just made me feel disgusted.

"You have functional legs..." I say to her as I walk faster down the ramp.

"Fine..." Lisa said with defeated attitude. Throwing her hands up into the air.

I was already in enough trouble with my Ooman mate, I wasn't gonna test the fates any further...

Grandpa had woken us up when we landed on the ship. Once the clan members disembarked we gathered any left over gear and headed towards the back entrance of kitchen.

I was so excited to see Kiki! Grandpa had sent Zak a message so we could sneak in. Sha'On was still looking tired but he was eager to see Kiki too!

Once we get into the kitchen it's so clean! Like crazy clean! Everything is already prepared and ready to go. Even Grandpa seemed in shock, just then we hear angry chitters. "Sire you can't come in an bug for more snacks again!" She says in scolding manner not realizing its us.

When she see us in her best grumpy grandpa impression, it disappeared an she ran to us with tears in her eyes. Sha'On and I ran to her and the three of us hugged and chittered to each other. It felt warm, and very right!

Grandpa stayed back an watched us. Once Kiki was done hugging the stuffing out of us, she let go of our necks. She stepped back then she punched us both hard in the guts that we fell to our knees.

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