Chapter 244

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Breakfast went by pretty quickly, I hugged all the pups an wished them well as they went to train. They all were growing so much! I can't believe that even Poppi came and hugged me! She seemed a lot better now. The Empress Hil'di fellow bearers an Siri went to watch over the pups as Sooni, Hil'di an I went to stock the warehouses.

Hil'di had given us permission to use her name without her title when we are outside of the home compound. She seemed to like her freedom, she didn't want word to get out about the change in Empresses. Just incase she got recognized...

Dar'ke had headed over to Crashs place to talk to Singh. It seems there was a possible Alexi sighting. That made me feel unsafe, given what we know about her plans. Her two biggest targets were Crash who was myself.

I sighed, can there not be a target on my back for like 2 seconds! 

"Are you alright Ooman?" Hil'di asks me as we board the small ship.

"I am fine...I am just tired of the cloak an Daggar yautja politics." I say to her in a joking manner. Both Hil'di an Sooni chitter at me. I suppose they are use to this given the high status of their mates.

"Those that are weak hide their intentions until they catch you in a moment of weakness. It's best fain weakness to weed out those that will stab you to get ahead...Let those fools fall on their own blades" Hil'di said to me in a grandmotherly tone.

"Wise words Hil'di I will keep them close to me." I say to her as we sit on the benches. Sooni pilots the ship, we head off to the furthest city away from our main point.

This city had the highest number of lost ones. I could see that most of the buildings were in rougher shape. Some were picking stones out of the walls. Or fights that would happen an buildings an structures that would be damaged wouldn't be repaired.

A lot of homes that had just been built less then a year ago, were now crumbling...

Very few homes looked like they had been taken care of. Those that did look like they had makeshift walls with spikes around their structures.

It was a very sad site to see. I was angry, an very sad. I was angry cause we have given these individuals an equal footing for them to be successful, they are just squandering it! I was also sad to see that they had no pride in the future that we had given them.

"...Sooni are homes like this everywhere...?" I ask her.

"No...the individuals here refuse to let the builders back in. Some of the lost ones are sending reports about the poor state of our home to the council." Sooni growled out frustrated.

"So you are telling me they are choosing to live in conditions like these as well as destroying their homes....FOR PROPAGANDA!?!?!" I said, as I sat up very pissed off. These resources were gifted to them for a better life! This is how they choose to pay back our clan!?!?

Sooni nodded at me as she landed the ship near the warehouse. Hil'di was studying Sooni an I. She looked like she had things to say but decided not too.

There was a crowd of many Yautja gathering near our ship. Some cheering while others were hurling stones at the ship an uttering curses. Before we lowered the ramp I hear smacking sounds, as well as the breaking of bones outside the ship. The crowd quiets down after that.

I hear Sooni sigh deeply, I was on fire! I was so angry! When the ramp goes down I followed behind Sooni an Hil'di. Our guards for this warehouse were some of the males I met when I was on the colony planet before. They were very nice and respectful to us.

I could see the faces of the crowd they looked to Sooni an Hil'di with faces of envy an deep jealousy! However when they looked to me they held nothing but contempt and hatred. I was getting very dirty looks.

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