Chapter 338

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It's been a few days, although Ti'ni an I have been enjoying our 'adult' time together. It seems the hormonal sickness has finally reared its ugly head. I felt the waves of nausea as I  rubbed Ti'nis back, she was throwing  up violently.

Sooni, Maini an Tanomi have all stopped by an dropped off drinks with herbs to help Ti'ni thru this. Sooni was leaving with Luna today for a vacation with Vil'Lai an her sucklings. They would be gone for a week if not a little more.

Luckily my Sire had talked to Sa'ke to extending my time here until Sooni returns. I was very grateful that he did that on our behalf! I honestly don't think I could leave Ti'ni in such a state!

I purr to Ti'ni an she sits back, she looks pale, but happy...?

"Lu'Nye it's okay...Maini told us this is a good sign for a healthy bearing..." She chitters at me, seemingly amused.  "...I'm gonna be a bearer...we are gonna be parents!" She chatters to me happily.

I pet her head then hug her close. "You are going to be an amazing bearer Ti'ni..." I purr to her as I stroke her cheek.

Ti'ni nuzzels my hand. "An you my Mate, My Lu'Nye will make an amazing Sire..." she purrs back to me.

I had to fight a powerful urge to take her back to bed. To show her just how happy she just made me!

She takes a deep breath, "I think everything is out that's coming out. Lu'Nye do you mind..." before she can even ask me I have her swooped off her feet an I take us to our bed.

I lay her down carefully making sure to use the nursing pillow behind her. Chris had mentioned being a bit upright helped with sickness. Speaking of her...

We both hear a soft knock at the door. "Come in..." I call to Chris.

She pops in, we both greet her, she comes over to give us hugs. She gets some juice out for Ti'ni. As Ti'ni drinks it I can feel all the nauseous feelings going away. Chris pets Ti'nis head after she is finished drinking. Ti'ni soon falls into a deep sleep, Chris covers her with a fur blanket. Than waves for me to follow her to the balcony.

"How are you four holding up?" She asks me.

"The last 2 days have been rough on Ti'ni. I am glad that I have more time with her..." I say to Chris as I keep an eye on Ti'ni.

She tosses me a communicator...?

I look at her questioningly.

"Lu'Nye, this is a direct line to me. If you need to go home for an evening. Or if your worried an want me to check on Ti'ni I will do that. I will give you two your space an freedom. I also want to give you security as well. Since you two are trying out our new family generational structure without sister mates, I want to make sure you both feel safe." Chris says to me.

I felt very grateful for her gift. I would only use it when needed. I would not abuse the privilege she has provided me. 

"Thank you Chris, I really appreciate this. I...I feel really supported by you an the rest of the family. I have to make sure to Hide this from Zu'ko. He already has us giving him a daily report, he is so worried about Ti'ni..." I chatter to Chris.

She rolls her eyes at me. "That doesn't surprise me. Those two are very protective of one another. Keep in mind you probably have to thank Zak that Zu'ko is only bugging for one report an not multiple a day!" She says to me with a chuckle.

That was true...

Mind you if it was Zak an Zu'ko having pups I could see Ti'ni doing the same thing to Zu'ko. That made me grin!

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