Chapter 277

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Zu'ko had returned to the kitchen a bit bewildered. It seems that meeting his sister had gone well! "Zu'ko are you just gonna stand there or are you going to help out?" I call to him, teasing him.

Zu'ko came over an gave me a hug an a purr. "I came to help out. Oh Ti'ni wants to meet you later on. If that's okay with you Zak..." He says to me worriedly.

I was not sure about this at all, but given how he kept shifting on his feet like an excited pup about to pee themselves. I would have indulge him in his request. "That would be fine Zu'ko, after we get the kitchen clean we can meet her. Until then I need you..." I say to him.

Zu'ko gets a grin as he let's go of me. He heads off an does double time on his station. I mean atleast he is motivated, the others in the kitchen also helped out. The helpers, were no where as good as the pups, or the Oomans. The lack of skills an discipline here was unimpressive!

Mar'cte said that he would be over to help out tomorrow as he wanted to give Ceillia a healing drink. If these workers thought Zu'ko an I were the devil's. I can only imagine what Mar'cte is going to do to them!

The meals are going out at a rapid pace at this point. Since we took over the Mates an pups have been eating more. Which is good! Mar'cte told me not to worry about the clan ship anymore. He was going to look after it, making ready meals that should last the crew 2 to 3 days at a time.

That was a relief! There was still a lot of work to do here!

When Kiki popped in earlier she had asked if there always anything she could help with. She came early in the mornings to help make breakfast with us. An when she had spare time she would come in to help clean an sharpen knives. I was grateful for that!

The knives were so dull I doubt you could have cut cheese with them before she started to sharpen them! She was teaching the others how to look after the blades properly. She was patient with them, however she kept rock fruit barrel nearby, so she could pelt the lost ones when they made mistakes or were taking short cuts. She was definitely Mar'ctes GrandPup!

When Jay'Ve an Sha'On were here they had been very helpful as well. I did miss their help as they needed very little instruction. Jay'Ve had an idea of teaching the other pups here basic kitchen skills. As a just incase scenario, I mean once we get it set up. We can get out portable stations so the pups could make each other snacks.

Jay'Ve had been coming up with a lot of ideas. Surprisingly Crash, Hopper an my Brother have been listening an putting a large number of the ideas into place. A new reporting system would be put into place next week. From what I heard Sooni was fighting it, as it wasn't detailed enough for her.

We will see what happens...

"Hey Zak, what would think if I asked you to do the elite trials this upcoming year, with me?" Zu'ko asks me as he loads up another round of meat spifs.

I just about tripped on a produce box! I mean Mar'cte had asked me to think about it before. I really didn't want to do it! I looked over at Zu'ko who is giving me the 'puppy eyes'. I let out a sigh "You really want to do this?" I ask him.

He nods so hard an fast I thought he was going to break his neck. "I want to get us our own territory as soon as possible Zak. As nice as it is here, I want to make a home for our family as soon as possible!" He says to me with a grin on face. Damn it why are the foolish ones always the cute ones!

I cave in "Okay I will go with you. Are we doing them in rotation with Dee, Fa'tae an Lu'Nye?" I ask him. Honestly we needed a team of three otherwise we would not survive the trials!

"Lu'Nye will do the first one with us. We can probably get Dee to go on another an Fa'tae on one as well" Zu'ko says while scratching the back of his head.

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