Chapter 237

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We were about a day away from the clan ship. As much as I wanted to go straight to Chris, I needed to drop off the clan members as well as pick up Ceillia and Kiki to take home as well.

Lu'Nye decided he was going to stay on the clan ship to help out. Given the ambitious plan Hopper had planned out for the clan in the next three months. He was going to need all the help he could use.

I had Jay'Ve, Sha'On, the Ooman Lisa and Tina in the small storage room on the scout ship. We were able to turn that room onto Ooman atmosphere so they could breathe without the respirators.

Lu'Nye kepted guard on the outside of the door. As in the main cabin with myself a number of clan members cleaned their Ooman trophies. I didn't want to cause anymore harm to the young female pup.

When she had woken up she jumped up and started screaming, crying and trying to use her fragile fists against me. Startling a number of the males on board. Not that she could do anything to harm me however the disrespect was noted among all the clan members on ship. They growled and snarled at her, I saw a couple starting to get up.

She was terrified when she saw what was going on. I ended up back handing her lightly on her face wake her up from her grief. I then ordered Lu'Nye to put the Oomans in the side room.

Tina while shocked and holding her face just moved when Jay'Ve and Sha'On took her by the arms then lead her to the room. I saw a lot of clan members nod, others saying that no matter the pup they shouldn't be spoiled.

If I hadn't been the one to hit her, she probably would have been disfigured by someone else. I would keep my word to keep Everclears pup safe. I was unsure of funerary rights of Oomans, I would have to ask Singh as well as Ceillia.

I get a transmission from Mar'cte "I told Zak to turn on the Ooman atmosphere in the store room in the kitchen. We will look after the Oomans as they will probably need a day or two to rest before heading home..." he said to me seriously.

Pauk a delay like that could impact the time the pups are away from Chris. Given how protective Mar'cte is of her and them, if he is making the suggestion. Then I should follow it.

"Mar'cte given that we are on a time frame, I would like to get the pups to Chris as soon as possible..." I say to him.

"Dar'ke...These Oomans are not like our Oomans. They need rest! Chris is also resting now. She will sleep till you arrive with the pups. Since she hasn't slept much for the last 6 weeks, more rest is what she requires as well!" He Growled at me like I was the most foolish yautja he ever hunted with.

"Understood. I will follow your example then Mar'cte..." I say respectfully an then end the transmission.

I didn't know that...

It seems that everyone else seems to know more about my mate then I do! Chris and I need to have a long talk...

"Why do Oomans sometimes have two names?" Jay'Ve asked me as we all sat together on a very comfortable fur mattress! This had to be a King size for sure!

I had told Dar'ke as well as the others to refer to me by my first name Lisa. As I was no longer Dr Leigh anymore...

A new life, a new hope...

Well for some of us...

I look over at Tina who was curled up like ball on her side. The slap she received from Dar'ke had given her a shock. Jay'Ve and Sha'On was telling us how easy she got off for punishment.

With being the leader of this group, for disrespectful like that viewed by others. Tina should have been beaten till her bones were broken if not worse.

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