Chapter 220

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I woke up with Chris sleeping in my arms. I can tell from her scent that she had left to visit the others. I hold her closer to me and let out a little growl. She should be resting as well!

She nuzzels my chest, I just sigh. Maybe restraints aren't such a bad idea...? I open up reports from my gauntlet, things are seemingly running smoothly. The gifts Chris delivered at the bridge seemed to be a big hit with most clan members.

Checking over the rest of the reports things are going quite well. Dee an Fa'tae are doing a really good job. Not surprising at all, they have worked really hard.

I turn off my alarm and get up carefully not to wake Chris. I needed to join Lu'Nye in the dining hall soon before we started our shift. I head in the cleansing room and get cleaned up before putting on my gear. I walk over to the bed and stroke Chris's cheek gently before wrapping her up in the furs. I head out locking the room. The more rest the better for her and our unborn pup. I would check up on her during my rounds to make sure she was safe.

I go and check in on Hopper and Ceillia. Hopper has the medical bay littered with snack wrappers and a couple of empty drink barrels. The healers are not particularly happy with this situation, but they are unable to say anything.

I give a growl as I enter the room, Hopper turns to me covered in food particles and has his mouth full. "Ummmm ahhhhhh drrrr..." Hopper mumbles trying to talk to me.

I wave to him to finish up, I notice that Ceillia is still sleeping. "Hopper finish what's in your mouth and clean up this mess! Meet me outside in a few minutes!" I chatter to him quietly but in a harsh tone.

Hopper nods and begins to clean. I get a few cleaner bots to come in. The healers are thanking me cheerfully. I step out in the hallway and lean against the wall.

As I wait I send Lu'Nye a message to meet me at the Hall in about 30 minutes. He messaged me back that he would be there. I was grateful that Lu'Nye had matured much faster out of his foolish phase. He did much better then myself at his age.

My thoughts drift back to those tough times. My anger an foolish pride blinded me. Masked what the true meaning of honor was. I took Hopper and Crash with me on that wild foolish ride.

That reminded me that I would need to contact RedOne soon. I only understand my foolishness at this age. I had much to learn myself, I should really go to OldOne and RedOne for advice.

"Dar'ke...What did you need to talk about?" Hopper asks me as he comes half way out the door. Still keeping a foot in the doorway to keep it open to keep a line of sight with Ceillia while talking to me.

"Hopper when Ceillia is better I am gonna have her and Chris moved to the kitchen. As their personal quarters on a permanent basis until we return home." I say to him.

"Wait.. what?!?! Wouldn't it be best for her to be in our room? The kitchen is dangerous! She could have an accident or something worse!" He growled at me.

"Hopper, Ceillia is an Ooman and she needs social contact. The kitchen has a direct elevator to the medical bay. As well if something dire happens Chris is there to help out immediately. If you trap her in your room she will do the same tactics as Chris did last time. Rather then having them sneak around it's better to have them in an area that they are constantly watched..." I said to him.

Hopper paused while leaning into the door frame he was clearly annoyed. "Hopper I am not saying that they can't go to our private rooms. I rather saying that they can't be there alone. If we are there with them it's fine..." I said to him.

"Oh! That makes more sense. Yeah I agree with you on that one Dar'ke. Hey are you gonna be fine while I am with Ceillia for a bit?" Hopper asks me.

"Hopper take all the time you need. You are needed here with her, that is the most important thing. We have it covered at this point. If you need us let me know..."I say to him.

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