Chapter 328

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I was so embarrassed!

I was also a little happy too...

When I started bleeding Mar'cte had a similar to what Bearer Are'tes had when I had my first bleeding. Lisa helped me in getting cleaned up. The products an underwear she gave me were more comfortable then wearing absorbent furs!

The Pajamas were very comfy to! They were much to big, but it felt nice! The pain meds were helping a lot too. The cramps were harder this time. Lisa said that was normal as my nutrition was better.

Maybe it's best to stick to just meat...

Chris had come in an helped me to my room with Mar'cte. We saw Kiki an Jay'Ve run past us upset over something. Chris tucks me into the overly large bed, making sure I had extra pillows, an this wonderful device called a heating pad! She gave me instructions how to use it, then gave me a sweet treat. She headed off to check on Kiki an Jay'Ve.

I hope they are okay, Kiki was wonderful an she been helping me with spending more alone time with Mar'cte. She had so many ideas!

I really like Mar'cte, I really do wish I could be his mate...

I feel flutters everytime he is around. He smells really good to...

Maybe its because Are'tes raised me, but when I saw the Ooman males. I didn't feel anything at all. I didn't really feel anything for any other males either. But with Mar'cte its different...


I could feel like I was being drawn to him. Given how skittish he is around me sometimes, I doubt he feels the same. I sigh as I sink into the pillows.

I get comfy as possible. I would try an get up soon. Mar'cte would need a hand in the kitchen.

Yawning I roll over on my side, my eyes heavy. Before pass out I hear a chitter an I feel a familiar hand stroking my cheek. I smile as I enter a dreamless sleep.

I hold Kiki as she is just in tears, I am so angry at Ooma Ceillia! How could she try an help a yautja that tried to kill her pups! As soon as he did the badblood behavior he should have been killed! Atleast then Kiki wouldn't be hurting so badly.

I purr at her as pick her up like Sire picks up Ooma. I bring her to our bed an cuddle her. She is cursing an swearing inbetween weeping. I stroke her back an purr to her. I hear Ooma talking to Sha'On just outside the door.

Sha'On comes in alone, he comes an joins us. He was holding Kiki's hand an petting her back as well. He purred to her to. I was happy he was here with us!

It takes a while for Kiki to calm down. She pulls away from both of us to lay between us on her back. She is staring  up at the ceiling, she looks so exhausted.

"Okay... I know you both are gonna be pissed at me. But...I need you both to listen to the end. Can you two do that?" Sha'On says to us.

"Can I break your ribs afterwards?" I ask him. Not happy with his words...

Sha'On nods "You an Kiki can take a crack at them afterwards." He chatters to us.

Kiki nods but doesn't say anything. She takes my hand in her right hand an Sha'Ons hand in her left hand.

Sha'On takes a deep breath "...So it looks like regardless of what we think that chit Scapper is coming here. Now I talked with Ooma Ceillia an Ooma for details. Ooma is going to make a space for Scrapper so he will be in the house, in a room where he can't escape. I know, I know neither of you are happy with this. But Ooma promised that he wouldn't be able to get out. So he won't be a direct danger to Kiki or the younger pups. I talked with Ooma Ceillia, as the chit probably feels abandoned by their family why not make it truth?" Sha'On says to us chattering fast.

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