Chapter 207

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I woke up in Dar'kes arms he was snoozing peacefully. He was so cute! As well as he was drooling a little bit... I held in a chuckle as it would have awakened him. Judging that his alarm hasn't gone off yet we still had time together.

I snuggled into his chest an I felt his arms tighten around me instinctively. He was a really passed out space kitty, it gave me time to think through some things, in the safest an probably the most comfyiest of places to be.

Our youngest was fluttering around a lot in my womb. It was like she would have fun playing by herself, but then would feel lonely. Unlike Jay'Ve an Sha'On who would flutter about an I swear to god they had mock battles in my belly!

I had a feeling she was going to be more stoic like her father. I would have to watch her carefully so she wouldn't feel lonely. Mind you with all the siblings I doubt that will be much of an issue!

I heard the beeping sound come from Dar'kes gauntlet. He let out a growl an then hugged me tighter to him. I felt him fiddle with the gantlet behind my back. It tickles when his claws brushed lightly against my shoulder blades.

"Have you've been awake long Chris?" A sleepy space kitty asks me.

I lean up an kiss his lower mandible. "Not long at all Dar'ke, mmm so comfy...maybe when we are heading to the second human base, do you think we can have a day to spend together, alone Dar'ke?" I asked him.

I wanted to have a day just to kick back, relax cuddle, have 'adult' fun without any worries with my mate.

"As long as Crash an Hopper gets one as well I don't see an issue. Are you sure you only want a day, Chris?" Dar'ke purrs seductively to me, as he slides a hand down an grabs one of my butt cheeks with a firm grasp.

"...honestly I would like a week of just us in bed, but... I can't be greedy, an there is always work to be done" I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Chris, you can be greedy, I rather wish you were more demanding for stuff like this" he purred so deeply that his rumblings in his chest sent sensational vibrations through out my body.

"Mmmm maybe in the future I can be bolder about asking. However right now is not a good time. We can still have our stolen moments. But our main focus is the clan right now. Once we have them settled in we can take all the time needed..." I say to him snuggling into his arms.

Dar'ke let's off a little growl of disappointment. He rolls on to his back so that I am laying ontop of him now. He stretches his arms an legs letting out a yawn. "I will make it 3 days we can spent together undisturbed. "He says as he gently runs his claws down my back.

"Okay deal! Hmmm you seem to be very playful right now my mate..." I purr to him as I used my leg to gently rub his rising little 'head'. I giggle as Dar'ke let's out a playful growl at me.

I suppose we have a little time to 'play' together....

I had finished up some small prey hunting. These skins had super soft furs, but the skin itself would make for some amazing leather armor. Maybe I can ask Chris to turn the fur I have into fabric. There were a few females that were interested in myself an hopefully this year I will get my first mate!

I check in with Dee an Lu'Nye to check to see how each others groups are doing. My group had mostly senior males that were focused on the hunt. So luckily I had little issues.

Dee's group included Crash so no one dared to make issue for him. Crash was generally level headed an was the more hands off kind of a leader. However when an if he needed to step in his punishments could be worse then Clan leader Dar'ke!

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