Chapter 204

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It's the last day of us being banished from the kitchen. I was so happy to go back to Grandpa's area. The pit was fun at times with Brother Dee an Fa'tae. However it smelt funny, an the other yautja there didn't seem to like us to much.

One male a little older then Brother Lu'Nye had called me a half blood, an a spoiled pup. I fought him an won in the arena! Sha'On was cheering me on from the side lines. While Brother Dee an Fa'tae watched on seriously. Dee had tossed me something to give to the bigger male that lost to me. As I wasn't allowed to kill yet...

After that the other males that were around our elder brothers age left us alone. The older yautja like Sirer an Grandpa's age seemed indifferent to us. A few might try an give us pointers when we are training but that's about it.

We really only saw Brother Lu'Nye when he came to training. When we were in Ooma's Ooman training class, Brother Dee asked her how to deal with Ooman pups in the future. As they had run into one on the recent mission. Ooma gave a good explanation, but I think she was going to sit brother Dee, Fa'tae an Lu'Nye later on to give them more details.

I liked that class cause Hopper would bring Kiki an we could train together again. Kiki's Sirer been hogging her since we got banished from Grandpa's kitchen.

If Sha'On hadn't thrown in a meat popper into the brew room we probably wouldn't have gotten banished. When the meat exploded it knocked over the distillery that Ooma had given Grandpa.

Grandpa was so angry!!! He didn't hit us like I thought he might he just went into the store room picked up our pup tent an bellowed at us to get out. Ooma Ceillia had taken us to her room as our Ooma was still resting at that time.

From what I know about what happened after...Ooma had gone down an helped to clean up the kitchen, an the brew room. When she came up to get us she told us that we would be temporary banished. An that when we were allowed back in that we needed to apologize to Grandpa.

Ooma also said no bed time snack for a week. We still get our normal meals but, bed snack is best snack!

I didn't voice any objection as it was our fault we made Grandpa so mad. I had talked to Sha'On to see how we can make it up to Grandpa, as we were still under punishment for borrowing of his knives. An now this...I felt really bad. Grandpa is amazing to us!

Sirer seems to be in a better mood now, he was so grumpy when he got back from his mission. Maybe it was due to a lack of trophies? But his looked the best! They were so smooth an shiny!!

I felt as if the adults are hiding something from us. Maybe that is what soured his mood...? Or when we accidentally walked in on him an Ooma when they were doing 'adult' things *Gags*. I shiver remembering that angry roar.

Sirer usually kept things inside but Ooma would explain to us carefully what was going on, or if we had any questions. It was weird that they taught the same thing but in very different ways. Sha'On an Kiki preferred the way my Sirer taught us. An seemed rather bored when Ooma was teaching us...

We started playing around more with our abilities during training. I would make a small bone have so much weight an density that if I placed it on someone laying down they couldn't get up or shift the bone. I know I could add more to it but I was afraid of breaking the ship or accidentally crushing someone.

Sha'On was using his abilities to turn items to dust but then bringing them back to their original condition. Making them into dust went well but he only had about a 30% success rate of returning the item to its original form. Ooma wouldn't allow him to try it on a Gizzard or on stinky. I was thankful for that!

Brother Fa'tae told us it was time to head to the hall to eat. He walked Sha'On an I, to the dining hall where we met up with Ooma an Sirer. Ooma smiles at us an gave us hugs. "I heard you two did well with your brothers today I am so proud of both of you!" She said to us as she squished us in her arms. "Thank you Fa'tae for bringing them down." She said kindly.

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