Chapter 278

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It had been a long night, the unexpected appearance of Luna, my pup showing up earlier in the day. Chris an Siri had watched the pups while I slept during much of that day to recover. This birthing was a bit more exhausting on my body, then others had been.

I had slept well last night for the most part. Dar'ke had returned an was hiding on Chris's side of the bed. I noticed she was on high alert, even though she looked relaxed. Something just wasn't right with her.

She had disappeared earlier in the evening to go check on Lu'Nye, Jay'Ve an Sha'On. She returned seemingly a bit more settled. Still not her normal self, but she was a bit better.

Rakkii had tried to make an escape attempt off the bed in the middle of the night. Chris had gotten up with her, they went into a pup tent at the foot of our bed. She put a shield up so Rakkii couldn't escape. Rakkii had let out a few unhappy howls of not having her freedom. Chris calmed her down quickly. Than peace returned to the room. Leaving Dar'ke, myself an Luna on the bed.

Dar'ke was still being a bit skittish around us. He did apologize for such foolish ideals. When he talked to others about that foolishness, they had scolded him in the same way. I am very happy to know that I am not the only adult in the family.

Chris  currently had both pups on the bed as I went into to have a shower. My bleeding stopped earlier then normal. I am pretty sure she slipped me some of her milk yesterday to heal me faster. This time I am fine with that, I am just happy that I have the next few days without reports! Plus I get to spend the time with Chris...

I was very happy she was back, I have a lot of plans for us to do in the next few months. She wanted to be trained to be a sub Matriarch to help me out. When she told me that I was very touched. It was so nice to have support again!

When I get out, I see Chris nursing both of our pups. Luna an Rakkii were glaring at each other as they fed. They were going to be rivals in training I am sure of it! That's not a bad thing as they will push one another to be better. Hopefully they will grow up well with their siblings.

It would be a few days until the rest of the pups can meet them. Until then I am going to enjoy these peaceful moments...

I had Lu'Nye, Jay'Ve an Sha'On with me as I headed to Hoppers compound. Lu'Nye was keeping an eye in his brothers as I piloted the ship.

"Hey when do we get lessons on how to pilot the different ships?" Jay'Ve asks me.

"You generally learn the closer to departing the family when becoming an Adult..." I say to him absence mindedly. I immediately regret the words that left my mouth.

Lu'Nye stepped in "Or in cases like mine you learn at an earlier stage. However you won't be allowed to pilot unless it is an emergency. You have more freedom in that regard, when becoming a clan member versus being a family member..." he says to them carefully.

I was very thankful that Lu'Nye was here with us.

"So we can learn now? But not pilot until we are adults? That blows..." Sha'On says while plopping down on a bench an crossing his arms.

I had to take a deep breath, I was already in enough trouble with Sooni an Chris. I couldn't afford to make anymore mistakes...

Lu'Nye smacked Sha'On upside the head. "Listen you two were only born last year. Your older siblings will learn before the two of you will. It's only fair as they are older then either one of you! I know you both are very advanced for your ages. However you both still have a lot to learn in life!" He scolds them.

Jay'Ve pipes up "Like learning how to protect the females of our family? So they don't keep sacrificing themselves, or having them hurting themselves, for the greater 'good' of the family" he says in a very snarky tone.

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