Chapter 344

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I was excited to be with Bearer Ceillia an Matriarch Vil'Lai! I was so surprised when Bearee Ceillia gave me a tour of their home! It was amazing! I am such a lucky pup to be able to be here.

The indoor training area looked like a dream and a lot of fun! The bath area looked nice too. If I can make up with my siblings I will be allowed to use these rooms freely as well in the future. I know that will be a privilege that I will have to earn back.

Bearer Ceillia even showed me where her room was. She also showed me the small dormitory they had for the other pups an sucklings here. I saw one wall that had multiple bunk beds. One of the top bunks seemed to be used by an Ooman pup?  I wonder if that is the female pup from Leader Crashs compound...

In the middle of the floor there was this huge pup tent for the sucklings. The floor was also squishy...? Like if you fell in here no matter where from you wouldn't be hurt. It was odd...

The entrance of the pup tent was facing the bunk beds.

To the head of the room was a huge bed! I could tell from the smells that my sister an the two other older males slept there. I noticed the imprint from the bed an I realize that these males are bigger then most of the Adult males!

I felt a bit scared as I was only the same height as Bearer Ceillia in her Ooman form. I still had a long way to go! I want to be as tall as my Sire!

After we left an we headed outside, we went up a path. It was so beautiful here...

Our new home was very nice too. Just something about this place felt special...? I couldn't place what felt different here then there.

I saw that they had an obstacle course already set up in the distance. However that was way out of my league right now!

It looked frightening! Like a course from the depths of hell itself!

I was showing Bearer Ceillia an Matriarch Vil'Lai my plans. We were able to clear an area of 1 mile by 2 miles. The course would be a loop that would be 2 miles in total. It was going to have a focus on agility an strength to start. I would like to add in more for problem solving, an more reactionary sections. However that would come at a different time.

Matriarch Vil'Lai an the Ooman Lisa were sitting under a tree taking a break watching as Bearer Ceillia an I sorted the wood. We got it ready for the different sections. We had also found some good vines to make rope ladders and a mesh netting to climb an cross.

Bearer Ceillia also found us a few boulders that were very heavy. I could bearly move one of them. She picked up three of then like they weighted nothing!!! I was shocked. How could she be so strong?

She gave me a grin as looked at my gobsmacked expression. "These are much easier to lift, then the scout ships on the main clan ship. You will get use to the weight soon enough Scrapper!" She said to me in a cheery tone.

I felt warm in my chest...

Fa'tae an Lu'Nye were right, Ceillia is very caring. I can see why my Sire an Matriarch Vil'Lai like her so much.

Why was I so blind before?

Why was it so much easier to hate her before?

Did the false information from the lost ones really poison my mind that badly? Why was I so stupid to believe the false information over what was infront of me?

Bearer Chris said that the tactic that the purest used was what Oomans call propaganda. Using half truths to multiple the general population, swaying the ideals of the masses by using either incredible negative or incredible positive emotions!

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