Chapter 326

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We were two days away from going on the first unblood hunt. An there was still no word from home, it was slient. This was making me very uneasy, I had promised Zak there wouldn't be any issues...


I try reaching out to Singh as he has the most encrypted connection. Luckily I got thru to him on the second try!

"Singh, what happened? where is everyone?" I ask him.

He looks to be tired. Chit something happened. I just Know it!

"Let say a blast from the past came for a visit..." Singh Says to me. He fills me in on what happened. He did mention that Lisa had told Knight earlier that Chris has returned this morning. But there hasn't been any word from them since then. Singh seemed very worried an just as annoyed at the situation.

"Singh, is there anyway to have someone at the station to wait to let them know what is happening? We really need supplies, I didn't account for the ready made meals ahead of each hunt..." I admit feeling a bit foolish. Zak had every right to call me out on my foolishness.

Singh looks at me "Sa'ke, I will do what I can to help you. It will really be up to Chris what she decides. But why have ready meals made up if 2/3 of the crew are going to be on the ship during the hunt as a precaution?" He asks me slightly confused.

"I don't trust anyone other then Zak an Zu'ko in the kitchen. We have possible spies an given the reports you can see how motivated the young ones are to help out..." I say to Singh. Even if we didn't have individuals trying to poison the crew intentionally. The lack of skill an motivation from others would have proved disastrous!

I hear Singh sigh, he understood were I was coming from. A ship leads with it stomach, if something were to go wrong they would have to send a recuse mission. Which would be no help to anyone!

I might be over thinking things, I rather the crew be safe then sorry!

"Alright I will head down an check things out Sa'ke. If I get a hold of Chris I will make sure she pops over by this evening at the latest! Oh how our are pups doing?" Singh asks me. He has a look in his eyes that he didn't want the report version of event either.

"They are doing well over all. Your two older pups, Like Hoppers older pups help in leading the training classes. They are well trained for their ages which is good. It's sad to see the other unblooded struggling to keep up with them..." I say to him honestly.

It was the truth though. Pups that came from my orginal clan an the lost ones that also joined. They lacked a lot of basic education on top of basic training skills. Mar'cte had given Lu'Nye some training guides to help speed up the process. So far it looks like it was helping. Lu'Nye was a good teacher an had a lot of patience. He was working at combining Sooni's an Mar'ctes guides. While also introducing the education aspect that Chris an Hopper introduced during their Ooman hunting classes.

He had come to me with this project early on. It was rather unexpected as he had gaps in his own training. However with experience an different sparring partners he is doing much better himself.

I can see Singh wants to ask the progress of Lu'Nyes work. I can seem him hesitating as he promised Sooni he wouldn't ask for a year. He was curious though...

If things worked out here with the unblooded hunts then I believe they would open what's called an academy...? I wasn't sure on the Ooman term, I think it means a place to learn. Which would be helpful!

"Sa'ke do you have anymore requests or concerns?" Singh asked me.

"That would be all, thank you Singh..." I say to him, he disconnects the connection.

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