Chapter 348

122 7 28

Grandpa had us sparring now. I was worried about Sha'On, he was still pretty sluggish...
Grandpa hadn't gone easy on us!

Kiki seemed she was having fun Tina. Ekate stepped up to spar with Scrapper. They seemed to be doing better. The littles were having fun together with one another, they seemed to sneak away an tackle each other sparring groups.

Even Matriarch Vil'Lai an Ooma Ceillia were sparring with one another! They looked to be having fun more then anything...

I blocked a hit from Grandpa! I notice he is using more force then before. I look for a weak point in his defenses. He usually had one each time we sparred. He did this on purpose so we could try an find it.

He told Knight to do the same thing with Sha'On. However Sha'On was more fighting to stay awake then sparring with Knight. It was a bit worrisome...

I looked away for a not even a second when Grandpa grabbed my arm an flipped me on to my back. "JAY'VE PAY ATTENTION!" he growls at me.

"...Sorry Grandpa" I chatter to him as I jump back to my feet. As I did Grandpa tries a sweeping kick to knock me down again. I barely dodge the kick!

Grandpa seems to be getting better at fighting the more he trains with us. He told me before skills are like a good knife. You have to sharpen them to take care of them. That's what makes them your best tools. However even a dull knife can be sharpened back to life!

I wonder if Grandpa will return to the same state he was back in his hunting days?

I flip back avoiding a punch, however I miscalculated the distance I had behind me an ended up smacking my body against a tree! I could hear Kiki Chittering in the background.

I go to get up as Grandpa launches another attack. I am able to react an catch his arm, just as I am about to flip him. I am suddenly out of breath! My vision darkens as I start to pass out. Grandpa catches me an gives me a pat on the back.

"Good try Jay'Ve!" He said to me. It was the last thing I heard...

I was shocked at the sparring match between Mar'cte an Jay'Ve! It was insane! I couldn't keep up with how fast they were moving. Ekate was giving me a break, as she went to help Mar'cte to put Jay'Ve against a tree.

Lisa had gone over to check him out. He definitely had broken ribs, broken collar bone an probably a lot of internal bleeding!

Mar'cte had launched his knee up into Jay'Ves chest in a upper crush motion! It was epic!

I still have a lot to learn...

I look over to Knight an Sha'On, they were still in full battle mode. Sha'On was keeping up however he looked tired. Kiki told me if Sha'On tries to heal anyone else before Bearer Chris Arrives to stop him.

She was very worried about him...

I was too...

It was weird sleeping in the pup dormitory last night. It kinda felt like home, being with everyone. However I think Kiki, Jay'Ve an Sha'On need their own space.

I felt a weird tug on my hearts. Perhaps I have great respect for Sha'On, is that why I am feeling this way?

I see Knight Knock out Sha'On. My first instinct is to run an protect Sha'On!

However I see that Kiki is by his side in an instant! Tina comes over to me, she sits next to me. "You lost your sparring partner too?" She asks me.

I nodded at her.

I watched as they moved Sha'On next to Jay'Ve. The littles went over an cuddled with them. Kiki was watching over them carefully.

I wanted to go over there too...

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