Chapter 245

219 17 7

After being yelled at for having a snack stash in 'My' room with Ceillia, Vil'Lai calmed down. After she got that anger out of her system, she let me know what happened not only with Alexi being sighted, but with the lost ones hurting Chris.

I had a feeling Dar'ke wouldn't be making it back soon. Sa'ke an Fa'tae were out on a general hunt. Mar'cte had Lu'Nye out doing a BadBlood bounty. Dee was helping me run the ship while helping out in the kitchen. Zak an Zu'ko word getting things done with the help of Kiki's organizational plan.

Mar'cte lamented to keep Kiki's plan in place. That way we could have 2 teams out at once. He looked like he wanted to get home sooner, he was worried about Chris and Ceillia. I didn't blame him I was worried as well.

The clan members on the ship were happy hunting in this way. It's been a while since we have been this active...

I think next year Sa'ke maybe able to manage the clan ship with Dee, Fa'tae and Lu'Nye. If that's the case then more power to them. It would give them more experience as well as freedom.

Dee and Fa'tae were going to do their hive cleansing when we head back to our home world. I was hoping to do everything in three months, but with this pace in a month we should have enough resources.

Mai gave me the report on Ceillia, she like Chris was going to give birth much sooner then expected. I kinda figured that would happen, with how big she got so quickly. However both pups are very healthy, an are starting to bulk up now. The male will be 16 lbs and the female around 18lbs. I know those are small for yautja pups.

Though looking at Ooman data that is very large for Ooman pups. I worry about the pain Ceillia will feel at the birth. Well I would welcome the pain as I would feel it too. Dar'ke told me that he has never felt pain like that before.

Well I was a part of this process I will accept everything. I can't put my Ceillia thru something if I am not willing to go thru it myself! Hey it might even be fun!

(Hopper would later on regret those very thoughts)

I shook my heads at those lost fools that went after the Ooman! However it gave me an idea about her ability. I would have to approach her in a way, to have her come with me willingly to a point. Otherwise this would be for nothing!

Well I suppose the Ooman did me a favor, I now have less baggage to take with me. With the new jump drive it would take 5 jumps to arrive at WarAxes ship. If Ti'ni was still alive I would get her to look after Ooman. As this Ooman seemed to have a weak spot when it came to broken individuals.

I have seen that Sooni is usually close to the Ooman at all times. It was disgusting! I doubt it was just Sooni protecting the Ooman.

As I sit in a tree that towers over their pups training ground. I observe the pups, as well as the females that are helping their family. I noticed that Tanomi is even bearing...

For her body to be repaired to such an extent, what secrets did the Ooman tissues unlock? It was going to be a pity to kill her. Losing a resource that powerful is practically throwing power away. I get why she needed to die, she was going to be made an example. As well as the pain it will inflict on to Dar'ke is what WarAxe is living for right now.

To bad there wasn't a way to keep her drugged up all the time so we could take what we needed when we wanted. The poison that Nomi had given the Ooman proved that won't work out well at all. A few days at most...

I scan an see the movement of the shadow gaurds around. There had been 5 of them here before. However recently that number had grown to 20. They moved in a grid pattern around Dar'kes compound. It seems like two sets of eyes where covering everyone at the same time.

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