Chapter 193

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"Ooma we're bored? Can't we go outside, an go see Grandpa yet?" Sha'On asked me. Jay'Ve punched Sha'On lightly in the shoulder. "Ouch!" Sha'On Chittered at his brother.

It's been about 6 days that we have been locked up in the room. In a few hours it will be the 7th day an we can freely walk about. I had to admit I was going a bit stir crazy myself! However this was the safest place for us to be.

There had been many drunken fights around the ship. A few death matches over honor. An a group of fools that tried to break into our room, when Dar'ke was coming down the hallway.

The door never opened until all the sounds of screams, roars an bones cracking had been silenced. Dar'ke came in covered in glowing blood, it looked like he just came from a black light neon rave!

He looked very tired, when he had come into the room. An went straight to shower, an afterwards passed out on the bed. I kept the pups busy with quiet activities. So that Dar'ke could rest, I made sure that he would have something to eat when he awoke. I wonder if I his age was catching up to him...?

Then I remember how 'active,' he was a few days ago. I could feel my ears turning red as I thought about being embraced by him again. Space kitty got a lot of stamina for certain activities! Not so much for others...

As part of the clan punishment for the pups they would not be allowed to hunt for the next 3 months. It seems a certain Red Grandpa was very proud an wanted to award the pups with gifts. So in three months time we would meet up with him.

Also as part of the punishment is that they will take part in the Ooman training class that Hopper an I teach. An I was going back to helping teach that class. There was no way in hell I was leaving my babies in Hoppers hands!

Ceillia was going to take up more cooking duties as she was feeling better. We had a resting pup tent for us in the kitchen storeroom as well. Mind you that store room was becoming a sleeping hideaway for the family.

Well I suppose that was the most appropriate place. As the C'ntlip brewing room was off limits. OldOne was experimenting with different fruits and fermentation processes with hallucinogenic herbs. I was curious about what he had come up with.

Sooni was doing better from what I had heard from her an Maini. She will be on bed rest for a while longer though, just to be safe.

Ceillia an Kiki were just as bored as we were. However we were able to use the consoles to talk to one another. Even Singh seemed very Squirrelly! I was just happy that he was talking to both Ceillia an I. An not just me, it seems they found some common ground.

It seems that he too did gain a blessing mark. He had the healing like Ceillia an I do, I mean he did also get the language abilities too. Not that he needed it as he was doing pretty damn well on his own with that! He got a pretty awesome ability, he had the power of magnetism.

My first thought was Oh god we have a Magneto on our hands! Singh was thrilled as this was allowing him to build items with better precision, an less errors. I mean whatever floats your boat.

Once the celebrations are over he told us that Crash is gonna help train him in long range weaponry. As way to protect himself better, as well as providing cover for others on missions. I made a suggestion to him to make himself a pair of gloves that had thin razor wire coiled up that could come out of the finger tips.

Both he an Ceillia were shocked at the Idea an Singh realized what an OP weapon it could be. He had asked me where I had gotten the idea from. I told him I got it from a movie series. I mean Walter from Hellsing ultimate was pretty bad ass. An Singh is just as stuck it should work?

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