The struggle was real.

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"Been reading lucid dreaming, astral projection and sleep paralysis articles these days.. Lucid dreaming is quite cool but can't deny that those 3 are seriously horrible. Wayback on my highschool days, since I am alone in my bedroom, I used to do the manipulation of my own dreams every night as way to escape stress and reality as well. But never in my life I experienced that what they call ""sleep paralysis"" or someone or something resisting you to move. As what my friends told me about it since they experienced it countless times already, most of them describe it as there is / there are unearthly creature bothering you while you are on your bed. And i'm thankful that God never let that kind of nightmare happen to me. But as months passed by, I got tired of doing the lucid dreaming so I just let my dream have its freedom to explore dreamland. And one night, I am aware that I didn't prayed before I sleep which is unusual bcoz I was really freaking tired that day. As a result, there were enchanted people and supernatural creatures appeared in my dream that were trying to push me to death. It feels that time that probably I was experiencing partial sleep paralysis bcoz I am aware that I am just dreaming and I want to wake up but I can't. Seemed like there were a ton of heaviness I felt on my body that time so I can't even move my hand just like what my friends told me about their sleep paralysis testimony before. So I don't have any choice but to pray while those creatures in my dream were still trying to push me to death. I want to shout but I can't. The struggle was real. But I am the person who never easily surrender, so I still have the guts to conquer it. Until finally.. I finally.. Shouted the name of ""Jesus"" I really felt the heaviness on my body vanished and those disturbing creatures in my dream were like they were abducted by a big unknown thing above the dawn sky and filled the surrounding with cool air and flying autumn leaves. And with that, I woke up at 3:28 am (yes i noted that), with tears keep flowing and can't forget that my heart was pounding really fast like i'm going to have a heart attack. (hyperbole lol but i'm just speaking the truth.) And again prayed.

Moral lesson:
1st: There will be consequences if you were used to do the lucid dreaming. Maybe good or bad.
2nd: No matter how hard something is, always be positive and conquer it.
3rd: Don't forget to pray before you sleep. Not just before you sleep but use prayer as guidance and protection at all times.
4th: ""Trust The Greatest Above"" 👆"

Acctg lyzlixx
Davao City

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