Aren't Just Friends

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"Yeah? Maybe that can be our first date." I flirt as Eddie smokes, he grins at me as he exhales the smoke from his lips.

"Sure, but I'm not getting you flowers." He says. I pretend to pout and sigh, "That's just disappointing Munson, you've gotta work on that." Eddie laughs and takes another drag.

"Shit, I should go, I've got an actual date tonight." I mumble, Eddie gives me an odd look but I say goodbye before he can respond. I head back to my trailer, waving at him from my front door.

Later that evening a guy named Patrick comes to pick me up for our date. I'm still shocked he asked me, and I was too awestruck to say otherwise. It goes pretty well, we just have some food at a fancy restaurant, but I can't say I feel much of a connection, sure he's nice, but we don't have a lot in common and I feel out of place the whole time. Patrick drops me off around eleven, kissing my cheek before driving off.

I start for my front door, but a familiar figure sits on the bench under the streetlight, so I decide to go and tell Eddie all about it. "So, aren't you gonna ask how it went?" I cheerily say as Eddie stares at the ground.

"No." Is all I get in response. Crickets chirp as silence fills the ever-growing awkwardness between Eddie and I, the darkness is starting to look inviting compared to this harsher version of Eddie I've never seen before.

"Why not?" I ask quietly, not feeling so happy now. Eddie sighs, his breath fogs up in the chilly night air.

"Because Y/N, I don't care." He turns to look at me, his expression is blank. I can't work out why he's so sad, or maybe he's angry?

I cross my arms and scoff, "You were fine earlier, what happened?"

"You did. You went on a date with that asshole. Why would you do that?" Eddie asks, his voice raising by the second.

I step back as my eyebrows shoot to the sky. "Because he asked me, it's not like I cheated on you or anything, you're not my boyfriend."

The second I say it, Eddie jumps off the bench, laughing sarcastically as he prowls closer and closer. He stops inches before me, looking down into my eyes. "You're right, I'm not your boyfriend, but we aren't just friends, I know there's something between us."

His expression is hopeful, and I feel like my heart is racing a million times a second. "I don't know what you mean." I whisper, lying to him and myself.

Eddie reaches out and cups my cheek, his rings cold against my face. His thumb gently caresses my cheekbone as he leans down closer to my face, his breath warm as he murmurs "You know exactly what I mean Y/N."

I lick my lips and begin to argue, but something inside of me screams at me to no longer deny what I feel. "Prove it." I say almost silently.

Eddie's lips touch mine so lightly I barely notice, he pulls back an inch, his nose still grazes mine, "There's no going back from this." I choose for him, tip toeing up to kiss him again. His hands bury into my hair as I wrap my arms around his middle, bringing him as close as possible as we kiss more confidently, as if we're both admitting our feelings in this moment.

"Still want that date?" Eddie smirks once we finally pull away for air.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now