Making Mache

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"What are you both up to?" Eddie grins walking into the kitchen, I'm so used to him using the extra key I secretly gave him that I'm no longer scared out of my skin when he comes over to my house.

"Making paper mache, Y/N said she'd teach me." My little sister Alice sweetly says as she smiles up at Eddie, she proceeds to continue sketching out her idea as I wrap my arms around Eddie's neck, reaching on my toes to give him a light peck on the lips.

"You're here early, something happen with band practice?" I ask with a frown, Eddie's hands find my hips as he shakes his head.

"Gareth had a dentist appointment and Jeff isn't well, so I thought I'd spend some time with my favourite girls." Eddie muses, looking down at Alice to give her a wink. She giggles and swings her legs happily.

I smile and pull myself away from Eddie, continuing to pour some flour into a bowl before adding some warm water, I dip my finger in to make sure it isn't too hot.

Eddie takes the seat next to Alice, commenting on her picture. "That's really cool, is this your plan?"

She nods enthusiastically, "I'm going to make the bestest dragon ever!" She exclaims, almost falling out of her seat as she waves her arms about. Eddie chuckles and watches me with amusement as I sit down and begin tearing up some newspapers.

Eddie decides to help by blowing up a balloon and collecting some different shaped boxes from the recycle bin, by time we've set up Alice is ready to go.

"So you just dip this paper into the mix then slap it onto the balloon and boxes, we can glue some stuff together after so it looks more dragon like rather than a robot." I explain as Alice listens intently. She does actually take my advice, and literally slaps the mixture covered paper onto the ballon, causing a big splatter of it to cascade all over my face.

The room goes dead quiet, until Eddie bursts out laughing, my sister soon follows and I can't help but to join them, doubling over at the silliness of it. I flick some mix at Alice until she frowns and I stop. Wiping my face I watch as she concentrates on the mache, huffing when it doesn't go the way she wants.

"Need some help?" I offer, she nods so I pick up some paper, but she interrupts me.

"Eddie's help. I've seen your science fair projects." She blatantly says, I frown as Eddie bites back a grin and begins to help, taking his rings off first and passing them to me. I slip them on and toy with them since they're way too big on my hands, happily watching as both of my favourite people work together.

The day passes quickly, I make lunch for us all and we devour some sandwiches before getting back to work, I end up reading a few magazines whilst sitting with Eddie and Alice, smiling as they chit chat about DnD.

Alice and Eddie glue some parts together and Alice insists on Eddie painting the dragon for her whilst she goes to watch TV. As always, Eddie nods and starts decorating.

Eddie and I, now alone, talk about different things whilst occasionally kissing. It's my sisters bedtime by the time the dragon is ready to be presented.

"Are you ready to meet...Excalibur?" Eddie greatly says in a voice. Both me and Alice stare as he waits for us to catch on, but nope.

"Alright, ready to meet Merlin?" He adapts, to which Alice nods enthusiastically clapping her hands with her pyjamas on.

Eddie brings the dragon out, and admittedly it looks really cool, who knew behind all that metal head exterior there was a Van Gough?

Alice's face brightens up as she grins harder than ever, she holds open her arms and hugs the dragon lightly, but I can tell she's holding back. Eddie grins and wraps an arm around my shoulders, kissing the side of my head.

"Glad you like it." He muses as Alice pretends to fly it around the room.

"Come on fair maiden, it's bedtime." I say, she nods and yawns as I take her up and get her ready for bed, then tuck her in and tell her a story about the dragon. She falls asleep with it in her arms, a small smile plays on her lips as she begins to snore.

I turn to see Eddie leaning against the doorframe with a grin, "I love you so much." He murmurs, opening his arms for a hug.

"I love you too," I mumble into his chest, hugging him tightly before we go downstairs and watch a movie snuggled in each others arms.

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