Dealers Daughter PT 2

368 11 2

AN: Y/N was watching TV at Rick's, (her dad's) cabin until Eddie Munson wandered in making her jump. Eddie was look for a place to stay and with a harsh warning about staying on the couch and not eating her chocolate, Y/N agreed to let him stay. They both share a box of cereal whilst laughing about her dislike to drugs, despite her dad being a drug dealer. Eddie's unsure if he's welcome, but Y/N seems to be okay with it...


"How about I put a movie on?" I suggest after a few minutes of silence. Eddie turns to me and shrugs with a smile.

He doesn't say anything else, and I presume it's because he already feels like a burden already. I stand up and head to the TV cabinet, opening it to find all my VHS tapes staring back at me. Eddie knees beside me on the rug, his ringed hand reaches out and begins to reach for a movie, but I grab his wrist and he looks at me odd. Blushing I let go. "I keep them all in a set order, please don't mess them up." I mumble, feeling silly. Eddie however doesn't seem to judge, he just backs his hand away and looks instead.

"Nice collection." I nod at his words, then grab my favourite, The Goonies.

Eddie quirks an eyebrow up at me as I hug it to my chest. "The Goonies, isn't that a kids movie?"

My eyes and mouth widen, "A kids movie?!" I exclaim, Eddie begins to open his mouth but I'm not done. "It's a fun filled adventure about kids saving their town, with criminals and time against them! Does that sound childish to you?" I finish, narrowing my eyes as I point a finger to his chest.

Eddie smothers a grin and shakes his head, retreating back to the couch. I pop in the tape and reclaim my spot next to him, gesturing for Eddie to pass me back my box of cereal.

He does just as the movie begins, the iconic first scene plays and I can't help but to sit forward, my eyes glued to the screen as my mouth tilts up. It's a few minutes later when I realise Eddie's eyes are on me, crinkled with a mix of amusement and something else.

"You really do like this movie." He states. I give him a pointed look and lean back, watching the rest of the movie completely immersed.

When it's all over and the credits come on do I look back at Eddie, asking what he thought of it, but his eyes are closed and a small snore escapes his lips. I sigh and stand, putting the cereal back in the kitchen before locking everything carefully. I look back at Eddie, who must've woken up just to kick his shoes off and lie down.

I contemplate leaving him be, but then I decide to go upstairs and grab a blanket and pillow from the cupboard. I tip toe back downstairs, smiling at Eddie's soft murmurs as I drape the blanket over him, he immediately snuggles into it and a lock of hair falls over his face.

I almost reach out to brush it away, but decide not to. Shit, I barely know him and already I want nothing more than to brush his hair and cuddle with him. Get a grip Y/N.

I go to my room, closing the door before getting ready for bed and climbing under the covers. The familiar sounds of the lake and owls lulls me into a deep sleep.

And a deep sleep it was, because I wake up at half eleven the next morning. I shoot out of bed, hurrying downstairs and worrying that I'm a terrible host even though none of this was planned. The smell of bacon hits me as soon as I walk into the kitchen, I see Eddie frying some in a pan, humming to the radio.

"Was getting worried you weren't getting up," Eddie says over his shoulder grinning, he double takes when he sees my pyjamas, I look down, embarrassed that I'd chosen the most embarrassing ones. They're whales with spaceships and planets on. "How'd you like your eggs?"

I knit my eyebrows together, rubbing the back of my eyes as I look over his shoulder, "Um, anyway as long as they're cooked." I laugh, Eddie nods and turns back to the cooking as I pour two glasses of orange juice.

"I'm sorry I slept so long," I begin as Eddie dishes up the food, he interrupts me with a shake of the head.

"It's alright, I fell asleep first so we're even." His smile is infectious and I find myself grinning with him.

We sit at the table eating and chatting for a while until we're both full. "It seems really hot today, what do you usually do on days like this?" Eddie asks.

I shrug as I grab the plates and begin washing up, Eddie grabs a towel to help. "I sometimes sit by the lake, dip my toes in whilst reading."

Eddie muses over the thought and nods, "Sounds relaxing, I'm in."

I go get dresses putting on a simple tee and some shorts before heading out to the dock with a book in hand, Eddie follows, now dressed in a fresh top and jeans. I wonder where he got them from, maybe a spare bag he keeps here, I mean he did say dad allows him to stay sometimes.

I sit down, basking in the summer sun before opening my book and reading, my toes linger in the cool water. Eddie sits beside me, shoes and socks off as he stares into the water.

"Not gonna dip?" I ask, looking at Eddie in the corner of my eye. He purses his lips together.

"Don't laugh, but what if there's some monster in there." He mumbles. I can't help it, I laugh and put my book behind me.

"It hasn't eaten me yet, you'll be fine, trust me." I softly say, Eddie watches me for a second then slowly dips his feet into the water, casting a ripple.

"See, all good." I nod, Eddie smiles at me but then suddenly it drops. A look of terror crosses his face before he's suddenly flying face first into the water.

I shriek and crawl backwards, shouting his name. There's no response, so hesitantly I shuffle to the edge of the dock, peering in on all fours. All of a sudden ringed hands grab my wrists and pull me in.

I scream until I'm under the water, kicking my legs up until I finally break the surface. Eddie swims beside me, laughing so hard I'm surprised he hasn't run out of oxygen.

"Your face!" He laughs, pointing at me. He wipes his dark wet hair away from his face as I huff then flick some water into his face.

He stops laughing but there's a playful look about him. I turn and swim just as he darts to me, grabbing my hips as I giggle and shriek. We take turns splashing each other until we finally stop, his hands still linger on my hips and I realise our mouths are inches apart, we're both panting as Eddie's eyes stare into mine.

"I wish I'd met you sooner Y/N." Eddie murmurs.

"Me too," I whisper as his brown eyes dart to my lips, water drips from his nose as I lean forward, Eddie meets me halfway, pressing his mouth to mine gently.

We kiss for a while, just clinging onto each other in the water as the sun shines down on us, before heading back to the dock.

Eddie helps me out of the water before pulling himself up, I admire the way his clothes cling to his skin, and by the way Eddie's eyes trail from my face to my toes, he's doing the same.

"We should make up for lost time," I suggest, squeezing the water out of my hair as Eddie tilts his head.

"You're asking me out?" Eddie smirks, "I wanted to ask you first."

"Well I beat you to it," I grin, sticking my tongue out for good measure, Eddie chuckles as he nods, walking towards me and wasting no time kissing me again.

"Whatever sweetheart." He murmurs between my lips, his hand cupping my cheek.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now