Little Hobbit

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I laugh as Nancy and Steve's 3 year old daughter shows me a picture of her family. The stick figures are surprisingly accurate with Steve's hair and Nancy's warm smile, her current bump included too.

The front door opens and I see Eddie step through with some bags of groceries, he looks between me and the kid before smiling, setting the groceries in the kitchen. I stand up from my spot on the floor and rummage through the bags as Eddie kisses the side of my head.

"They're still not back from the hospital?" Eddie mumbles, glancing at the kid who lets out a small yawn and curls up on our sofa.

I shake my head, "Nance said she and Steve might grab some food after the scan." I reply, heading back to the living room and sitting on the sofa. The child crawls towards me and perches in my lap, her little arms wrap around me as she rests her head against my chest. I stroke hair hair as she yawns again, her body relaxes as I rock her to sleep, smiling down as her breathing evens out.

A few minutes later once Eddie's put the groceries away he comes back and sits on the floor cross legged, looking up at me and the girl. "Cute." He mumbles with a smirk before pulling out his notebook and scribbling in it.

I smile as I look down at the girl, my mind thinks about my future with Eddie, we've only spoke about having a kid once or twice before, but I'm now beginning to wonder if it'll ever happen.

Around half an hour later the front door knocks, so carefully stand up with the little girl still in my arms. Nancy stands there smiling, her face lights up when she sees her daughter. I ask Nance about the hospital trip and we chat for a few minutes until Eddie brings the girls backpack and passes it over. Without waking the girl Nancy somehow maneuvers her into her own arms and says goodbye.

As soon as I shut the door I finally can breathe out a sigh, but then I remember I need to do the dishes from lunch earlier. I begin washing up until I feel Eddie's arms wrap around me from behind, his chin rests on my shoulder.

"You'd make a great mom," he mumbles, kissing my neck gently, I smile tilting my head to give him more access as a slight moan leaves my mouth.

"I want to be one, I didn't realise how much I wanted to until I became a kind of aunt to little Ms. Harrington." I reply, turning around and wrapping my arms around Eddie's neck.

"You know, we both have the day off tomorrow, that means we can stay up late." Eddie deeply murmurs, his hand grabs my hips and tugs me even closer to him. I gasp as I look up into his eyes, seeing the lust there.

"Yeah? What are you saying?" I tease, reaching up and tracing Eddie's lips with my finger.

Eddie gently nibbles my finger making me laugh, he leans into my ear and whispers "Let's make a little hobbit."

I open my mouth but Eddie shuts me up with a passionate kiss, he steps forward and backs me into the counter, before lifting me up and putting me on the side, all without his mouth leaving mine.

"Come on, let's do it, we've got enough money and time for a kid, we can give it the best life and love it more than anything, I don't even care if it's a boy or a girl." Eddie practically pleads as he kisses along my jaw.

I nod, I think I'm also ready to start a family. "Okay, let's do it."

Eddie leans back and stares at me with wide eyes, "I can't believe we're gonna do this," He whispers, I nod again and his mouth breaks out into a grin. He brings his lips back to mine in a frenzy as I wrap my legs around his waist, shuffling nearer to him.

Eddie once again scoops me up and carries me to the bedroom, "This is going to be amazing." Eddie murmurs, shutting the door with his foot.

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